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Главная / Галактика 1980

Галактика 1980

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the sky.
This is Jay Johnson, Colonel,
the National Guard.
I want that tree cleared
and I don't care how you
do it.
Yes, Sir.
All right,
get the anti-tank weaponry.
On the double, let's go.
Did we do
the right thing?
Look at these children
and then ask me that.
Still, I don't see how
they're gonna get
a rescue team in and out.
The last transmission said
it wasn't gonna be
an ordinary rescue team.
What else could they send?
They couldn't have...
They can't be
ready yet, can they?
Couple more minutes,
Colonel. We'll be
through and on our way up.
Toward whatever it is
you expect to find.
Okay move out. Let's go.
Stay here, Mr. Stockton.
We don't want
you to get hurt.
We don't want you
in the wrong place
when it comes down.
When it comes down?
What's happening?
Holy cow!
You guys are Venutians!
Let's get the children.
Come on, Mr. Stockton.
Don't take me away.
Maybe I was a little careless
about not testing the water,
Good to see you,
You did well.
Where are the
other children?
They're coming.
Why don't you take that kid
in and then come back
and get this kid?
I said come.
Not that I'm
afraid or anything.
The glory of the universe
is intelligence.
Never be afraid of discovery.
I hope you'll tell them guys
that I didn't personally hurt
these kids.
I got the awful feeling
we're getting close
to what you're looking for.
Yes, sir, Sheriff.
Dr. Zee.
The child lives.
The others, too.
We didn't dare risk taking
the time to bring the other
The boy's life
was slipping away.
You did well.
But the risk increases
with every moment
we stay here.
SYDELL: Faster, Sheriff,
Why are we stopping?
I don't know.
We've lost power.
Well, then I'll ride
in one of the trucks.
Lieutenant, make room
up there for me.
Colonel, I'd love
to have you aboard,
but right now we're trying
to figure out why this truck
just stopped dead.
Not this close.
Not this time.
that's a good
mile up there!
Jake, bring your men
and come on.
Commander Adama,
if I may intrude.
This is Mr. Stockton,
the man responsible
for the chemical
byproducts we mentioned
in our transmission.
Ah, yes.
How do you do,
Your Honor...
Majesty, Eminence.
I only work there.
I'm not really responsible.
We are all responsible.
We are?
We have lips
so that we may speak,
we gave eyes
so that we may see.
Does it not follow ironically
that there must be some
purpose for the brain?
Commander, as lieutenant,
it may not be my place
to suggest, but...
No, go ahead.
Well, those computron
simulations that Dr. Zee
prepares for us.
For instance, the visual image
of how the Earth would be
destroyed by the Cylon Empire
if we did not lead them away.
Is it not possible...
To show your Mr. Stockton
what will happen
in his community
if attitudes and events
are not drastically altered?
Mr. Stockton, would you like
to see a brief glimpse
of your future?
Oh, I don't know.
I don't want to put you
to any trouble.
Computron scanners,
direct all stimuli
and report feeds
to the year 1990.
Hey, I can see this is going
to be a big deal and I know
you guys wanna get back to...
ADAMA: The ship is
designed to sample
a vast area at once.
Literally to profile a
detailed scan of every organic
thing within a given radius.
Sort of like
a medical check-up.
Yes, you might say so.
But additionally,
this ship can sample trees,
soil, livestock, all metals.
That's kind of like spying.
Whose side are you on?
The side of the human race,
Mr. Stockton.
Well, is there another side?
Some other time.
What do you say?
Your attention to the screen.
This is now the year 1990.
The population density based
on projections is now filled
in most of the valley,
bringing with it air-quality
problems that are aggravated
by the industry's return
Галактика 1980 Галактика 1980

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- текст Коллекционер на английском

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