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Главная / Галактика 1980

Галактика 1980

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waiting, Nurse,
maybe you can tell us
something about the children.
How are they doing?
The Boy Scouts
that took ill.
Oh, well, I'm afraid
you'll have to ask
the Doctor about that.
Really? Well, that doesn't
sound too promising.
Why, is there some
kind of complication?
As I said, you'll have
to ask the Doctor.
How are you guys keeping
that machinery going?
We have our own
energy source.
Which we'll run out of
if we don't get to
the top of this mountain.
Top of this mountain?
What kind of hospital
are we going to?
Advanced. Very advanced.
Come on, sheriff.
Where are you going?
Find out what's happening.
Wait a minute,
you can't go in there.
You haven't scrubbed down.
Dr. Spencer.
What's the trouble
out here?
We would like to see
the children, Doctor.
Well, I'm afraid
that's impossible.
We put men on the moon,
Doctor. Nothing is impossible.
If you want me to,
I will scrub down
and put on a mask.
But I don't think that's
really necessary, is it?
All right, Doc,
what's going on here?
The children are gone.
Well, I don't know.
That's the truth.
How did they leave here?
What kind of vehicle?
Well, it's...
Doc, you know those people
that came into this town
pretending to be
Boy Scouts were imposters?
I knew there were
certain irregularities,
but I don't think...
Did you know
the two men
robbed a bank?
I find that very
hard to believe.
Now, then, what kind
of vehicle they have?
Turn here.
Turn here?
There's nothing
up this road.
Used to be an
old Nike base,
but not the kind of place
you'd open up
a fast food franchise.
I mean,
it's abandoned.
It used to be abandoned.
Breaker, breaker.
This is Sheriff Ellsworth
to all you truckers.
Keep an eye out for a van
from Stanford Chemical:
The occupants are armed
bank-robbers and are holding
children as hostages:
Do not attempt to apprehend:
Notify me on your
emergency channel:
Talk about a prime fool.
You and your gab
about helping people
and stopping pollution.
You're bank-robbers.
You're kidnappers.
That isn't true.
Meaning you're not armed.
Then I'm free to turn around
and check this out.
TROY: Keep going.
No. You're the good
Now, I wanna be one.
I'm gonna get us
a police escort.
Great. Now what?
Now I drive.
I hope nobody saw us
make that turn.
TROY: According to the map,
there's an old
abandoned government
installation up here.
No, I don't believe
in little green men.
I'll bet the answer to all
this is little green dollars.
Captain Troy
to the Galactica,
emergency transmission.
Captain Troy
to the Galactica,
emergency transmission:
Colonel, I thought you'd
wanna know right away.
Our satellites are picking up
high-beam transmissions
from your area.
What does it
sound like?
Like nothing I've
ever heard in my lifetime.
It's positively eerie.
Fine, what does
Intelligence say?
They've checked the
Palomar Observatory,
the Army, Navy, CIA.
Even commercial radio.
There's nothing to explain it.
And the trouble is,
we can almost pinpoint
where it's coming from:
Good. I want you
to track it right down.
Colonel, there's more.
Apparently, the signals
are being beamed two ways.
From Earth and
back down to Earth.
Back down to Earth?
What do you mean?
Back down to Earth
from where?
Straight up, Sir.
Straight up?
As for the sending signal,
it's been pinpointed to be
emanating from a small peak
in the San Angelo Mountains.
Government land.
Good, Major.
You keep me posted on this.
Sheriff, get your
dispatcher to get me
Vandenberg Air Force Base.
Have a heart.
What are those things?
Well, the gate's open.
It's for sure nobody's
gone up this road
on wheels anyway.
Why this big old baby
must have been knocked
down by some lightning.
Look at them char
marks along there.
That turkey's still hot.
Fresh lightening,
eh, Sheriff?
And I don't see
a cloud in
Галактика 1980 Галактика 1980

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