them. Come on, let's go. It's just like I told you. Them body-stealers have moved into those poor unfortunate... Knock it off, Collins. I want you to alert all units. Tell them to stop searching the cars and close the highways. Close them? You heard me, I said close them till I get to the bottom of this nonsense. Doctor, I didn't know what to do. (FLATLINING) Chemical shock must have been too much for him. His heart went into fibrillation, then stopped. Does this tell you anything, Mr. Stockton? Oh, come on, our plant didn't have anything to do with this. I mean, not certain. No, and we can't be certain that... Doctor. He's still breathing. No, it's just because the machine is on. His brainwaves have stopped. He's legally dead. Legally dead? There is no absolute criteria for determining death. Even when there's no chance of a patient ever really recovering, these new machines can sometimes sustain a person's heart or lungs indefinitely. Dillon, you know what you have to do. Troy, how can we, with the Air Force already on alert? We have no choice. What's he talking about? Where's he going? Look, I know how you feel, but there is no chance. Where we come from, death is a threshold far beyond this child's condition. Thanks to you, by our standards he lives. I don't understand what you're saying. Where is it you come from? They told me Cleveland. We need a vehicle to maintain these machines. Well, the machines are portable. But I can't hold off three children in my car. We can in yours, Mr. Stockton. Hold them till we get where? I mean, I wanna help, but I can't have a company vehicle being used as an ambulance by people who would just as soon sue us out of business as look at us. You're talking about the life or death of this town. I'm talking about the life or death of this child. Where do you want my truck? Dillon, what are you going to do? Send for help. You're gonna bring help down here to Earth? Jamie, you have to go to the children. Stay with them. Make sure they're not harmed or frightened. All right. Where are they hidden? Lieutenant Dillon to Galactica, emergency transmission. Lieutenant Dillon to Galactica, emergency transmission: Lieutenant Dillon to Galactica, emergency transmission: Lieutenant Dillon to Galactica, emergency transmission: Lieutenant Dillon to Galactica, emergency transmission: Dr. Zee, we've just received... Yes, Adama. I heard the coded transmission. We have a difficult choice. Whether to risk the lives of all our people to save one child. Yahrens ago, I almost resigned my leadership because of the agony of decisions such as this. This time, I'll spare you. I'm going. You? You above all must not be risked. I above all have the best chance at succeeding. I will show you. (ADAMA GASPS) ADAMA: It's finished. DR. ZEE: Almost. That's truly equal of the Cylons war machines? More than equal. They only copy. They see what we do and try to better it. What they cannot see is that which a human spirit has yet to imagine. Dr. Zee, with a force of these antigravity ships, we could regain our planets. We have only one, and no resources to build more. Then of what use is it? It will save a single child's life, and give us better opportunity to observe our Earth brothers. Must you go? I alone understand this new ship. If this is our future, then I'm going with you. Troy, the sheriff just pulled up outside, and that Air Force guy is with him. Doctor, you have to delay them. I can't do that. Just have your nurse hold them off until we can remove the children. Why? You said it yourself. You can't save them. We can. Well, if you can save those children, then you're from a lot farther than Cleveland. Yes. Valerie, tell the officers I'm performing minor surgery and I'll be with them in a few minutes. Thank you, Doctor. While we're
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