s bicycle tires wear out in a matter of weeks. Tennis shoes even faster. From when the old riverbed is used to deposit residue from the plant? That's right. The waste products are quite literally burning the shoes off our kids' feet. The same thing happened near Niagara Falls and in Virginia. Oh, no. Friends of yours? No, they work out at the plant. Word must have spread. You having a picnic, Doc? He's showing me how to make fires without even trying. What business is it of yours? I'm with United Broadcasting News. So, it's going to start all over again? Doc, when are you gonna learn to keep your big mouth shut? I asked the Doctor to show me what was going on. Lady, butt out. Hey, don't do that. She's just doing her job, Denver. Yeah, at the expense of ours. You remember how long we were all out of work the last time somebody made accusations. Six months. Now, you just march your little fanny out of here. Move! I told you. You don't tell nobody nothing. DILLON: I wouldn't do that. Well, now we get the two we really came to find. I feel it's only fair to warn you that I'm used to a much denser climate. Consequently, I'm capable of retaliating in a way that would be grossly unfair to you. (ALL CHUCKLES) Close his mouth. I'll handle this one. What happened? He's not hurt. I picked a soft landing spot. You were saying. I say we can take them. Come on. Unless, you guys wanna be out of work for a year, we close them down now, before they close us down. Come on! That's far enough. Hold it right there or you're fired. Every one of you. I told you men I would handle these people my way. This lady's with the press. She's making it her business to close our town down. Go on back to the plant! There isn't going to be any press story. The Sheriff is going to take care of these trespassers. Yeah, sure he is. I said, go! Come on. Right, now, we pay the sheriff a little visit. We can't do that. That was not an invitation, that was an order. Either you follow me to the police station, or I get on my C.B. and get the police out here. All right, let's go see the sheriff. I've got a few complaints of my own. What're you going to do? You can't go to the Sheriff. He's already looking for you. How'd you get away from him anyway? Oh, we just took his police cars. You what? It's okay. We put them back where he could find them, after we went for the bikes. Do you know how much trouble you're in? You've got to get out of here. How can we? We still have three children back at that clinic. Ladies and gentlemen, the sheriff awaits, and I grow impatient. Hopeless. So, whatever we have in this town, it's one for grand theft auto, suspicion of kidnapping... And bank robbery. COLLINS: Part of the money turned up at a department store where the thieves bought twelve Boy Scout uniforms and some equipment. Now we got them, Sheriff. VALERIE: Breaker, breaker, Dr: Spencer, are you out there? Yeah, Val, what is it? I've been trying to reach you. You've got to get here as fast as you can. All right, Val, calm down. What is it? It's the children, the scouts. They're dying. Hey, where are you going? TROY: What is it? It's the children at the clinic. It doesn't look good. Troy, we have to get there. Don't try anything fancy. I'm sticking with you no matter what. And I'm gonna tell the sheriff what's going on. SHERIFF: Collins, you heard anything from them road blocks yet? No, sir. I just have to figure they're still in the county. Of course. They can't leave. What? They can't leave, Sheriff. The children are in the clinic. Clinic? Heck, if they kidnapped them kids, they wouldn't worry about leaving them behind. They probably drugged the kids to keep them from talking. No, Sheriff, they are not drugged, and those are not ordinary children, and that's why there's no record of
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