hat. You all right, Sheriff? (CHILDREN GIGGLING) It's awful early in the season for apples to be falling out of the trees. Especially when it isn't even an apple tree. Probably, one of the scouts just left one up there. We're going to seal off this entire county. We'll see who's going to have the last laugh around here. (CHILDREN LAUGHING) Who's laughing? None of us, Sheriff. That came from nowhere. They're in these woods, some place. And we're gonna stay out here and find them. I don't care if it takes all night. Come on. DILLON: All right, now. That's the last time we take you anyplace. You're behaving like children. TROY: Dillon. Yeah? TROY: They are children. DILLON: With all they've been through, I keep forgetting. Come on, everybody down. It's now or never. GIRL 1: This is going to be great fun, riding in an Earth vehicle. GIRL 2: Move over, you're sitting on me. GIRL 1: Well, how did I know? I can't see you. BOY: I wanna operate this vehicle. DILLON: Get your hands off that steering device. I'm driving. They're taking our cars. Who? There isn't anybody driving! (CHILDREN LAUGHING) COLLINS: There's nobody driving them, Sheriff. Hey, come back here! Sheriff, that Air Force fellow who came all the way out here when they heard that UFO sighting... Garbage and nonsense. Even he knows that. What if it wasn't? What if some kind of creatures have landed? You're not talking about little kids. Sheriff, haven't you ever seen any of those body-stealing movies? You mean these creatures are trying to take over the bodies of little children? Oh, yeah, maybe they're small creatures. Maybe they need small bodies. Collins, you need a vacation. You may feel different when you try to explain how we lost two police cars and were pelted by half-eaten apples from out of nowhere. Come on, boy. We got a long way to walk. (MONITOR BEEPING) (KNOCKING ON DOOR) Sorry to bother you. I was wondering how soon the children might be able to be discharged? Their parents are getting quite concerned. I'm not surprised. Well, then. When do you think? Maybe never. What? They're not getting any better. They're not improving. What's more, these children weren't normal to begin with. What an odd thing to say. They seem perfectly normal. Take a look at this. That's a blood sample from one of the children. But I can't identify those cells. And if I go according to my textbooks, then... Then what's in that blood doesn't even exist. That is odd, perhaps... What's more, that sample doesn't contain any of the blood cells a human should have. Ah, then, that is interesting. Interesting? The Mayo Clinic would go nuts to examine these children. It would make all the medical journals in the world. Is that what's important to you? No, I'm interested in saving their lives. But don't you see? I have been trying to get some attention in this town about this problem since I got back from medical school. But no one will listen to me. You want to do something that's important? Forget about your article on flying saucers. Tell this story. The story of this town. Get it out that we're better off broke than dead. Miss Hamilton, would you like to see what this is all about? Very much. I was just on my way out of town. Now, what's on your mind? Off the record. Any way you like it. There's something going on in this town. Tell me all about it, Sheriff. I first realized we had a problem that was directly traceable to the chemical plant when a couple of kids burned themselves trying to put out a fire they started here, quite by accident. So, they were playing with matches? No. No, they were throwing small stones at the old riverbed, because they can get sparks when the stones hit the soil. What is that? Flint? No, that's what you would think, but it's the chemicals in the soil. Around here, a small child'
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