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Главная / Галактика 1980

Галактика 1980

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And now we near
the end of our journey:
We have at last found Earth:
NARRATOR: Here are some scenes
from Part 1 of "Super Scouts":
Our atmosphere and our
gravity is not exactly
the same on Earth.
Because the force of gravity
on Earth is less
than that on Galactica,
you'll be able to jump
higher and run faster.
ALL: Yeah!
Get the children
to the shuttles.
We won't be going
back to the fleet.
You're about to be
the first children
from the stars
to set foot on
the planet Earth.
Control centre to 427:
You are now in range
of Omaha center on 550:
Look out!
what was that?
I don't know.
It's happened
again, Colonel.
They almost hit
a jumbo jet:
Have you got it
on radar?
Until I can
check the tapes,
I can't be sure
about anything.
Get my plane
on the apron
in ten minutes.
It's almost daylight.
There's just enough fuel
left in the shuttle
to re-launch it.
Launch it where?
Into space.
But it's our only ship.
We have no choice.
From now on, children,
we're on our own.
I'd like to exchange
this auric, uh, gold,
for some local currency.
Where did you get this?
What did you do
with your hand?
Look out, Harry,
he's got a gun!
Everybody remain calm!
Don't anybody move!
You did what?
It's called
robbing a bank.
May I help you?
I need clothing for
twelve young people.
Tell me everything
you need.
Twelve of everything.
TROY: They're looking
for us in flying
So we have to get
out of the area.
Colonel, we've searched
everything within
a 15-mile radius.
We don't come up with anything
except a bunch of Boy Scouts
camped in those woods.
Did you say
Boy Scouts?
Hurry, Captain,
everybody's getting sick.
What is it?
These children are dying.
Oh, dear,
what happened?
We need space
for these three children.
Of course. In there.
It reads out as some
sort of poisoning.
Can't identify
the toxic chemicals.
So we just wait around and
watch our children die?
This is where they stopped
and satisfied their thirst.
What is it?
Forgive me, but I can't
help feeling insulted
by this accusation.
You are pouring waste
products into that lake.
We ran tests.
With your Boy Scout
field kits?
You're all dying.
I want every single one
of the Boy Scouts picked up.
And that includes
those phony scoutmasters.
The sheriff's on his way to
arrest you and the children.
NARRATOR: And now,
Part 2 of "Super Scouts":
GIRL: Hey, there's
Troy and Dillon.
TROY: Okay, children,
we have an emergency.
Another one?
What are you eating?
I told you don't try anything
unless you had permission.
It's all right.
I identified it.
As the seed-bearing fruit
that grows on
a deciduous tree.
It's called an apple,
you frimp.
Look, never mind that, now.
We have to pack up.
There are some people
on their way
that want to find us.
The Cylons?
No. These people
are called police.
They won't hurt you.
But right now,
they have a lot of
questions we can't answer
until all the children
in space are down on Earth
and safe.
Now, you all remember
the practice that you had
with your force fields
to make you disappear.
Oh, we get to
You sure do.
Okay, we're out
of time, children.
I want you to grab your packs,
put everything you can
into them.
Now, I want you to jump
up into that tree.
DILLON: Now, let's go.
CHILDREN: Come on,
come on, come on.
Come on, children.
Jump into the tree.
CHILD 1: Look at that.
clean as a whistle.
CHILD 2: Here they come,
be quiet.
You say something,
No. But it looks like
we're in the right spot.
Here's what's left
of a camp fire.
Neatly doused
to prevent fire.
Well, at least they
act like good scouts.
Acting is what
they're doing, too.
GIRL: Frimp,
give me your apple.
If those are Boy Scouts,
I'll eat my
Галактика 1980 Галактика 1980

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- текст Бегущий человек на английском
- текст Бумер на английском
- текст Семёрка Блейка на английском
- текст За двумя зайцами на английском
- текст Дом дураков на английском

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