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Главная / Галактика 1980

Галактика 1980

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of the human eye.
the energy necessary
to create such an aura
around a large fighter ship,
or even the human form,
is too great to sustain
for any great period of time.
It should only be used
in life or death situations.
Life or death situations
from people we've come
to help.
Each of your teams has been
programmed to take you
to scattered areas on Earth.
Your entry patterns
will bring you
into Earth's atmosphere
in unpopulated zones.
And your navigational
computrons will guide you
over the safest
possible routes
toward population centers.
Ultimately, you will
encounter people on Earth.
You have been briefed
on how to conduct yourselves.
May God go with you.
At last, what we've all fought
halfway across the universe
to accomplish:
It's hard to believe:
This place we drew
for our landing
sounds exciting:
The United States of America:
DILLON: You know,
I kind of like the sound
of that place that Kip got:
The Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics:
I always liked unions:
It's not often you get
the entire population
of a continent's women
to choose from:
I think we're going
to have one fine time:
Maybe not:
What is it?
I don't know,
some type of primitive
scanning device:
They've been tracking us
since we entered
their atmosphere:
Interceptor squadron
out of Albuquerque
has two unidentified flying
objects on radar contact.
Any chance
they're non-military?
Flying supersonic
down on the deck?
Give me the President.
Troy, there's something
coming up at us
and it's very fast:
I've got them on my scanner:
Let's try to lose them
without using the boosters:
This fuel we're carrying
has to last us a long time:
They have definitely
violated our airspace.
Mr. President, whoever,
whatever it is,
has entered our airspace.
We have to
assume they're hostile.
Yes, sir.
Bring them down.
Closing to fire-range,
First attempt radio contact:
If they were here to talk,
they wouldn't be running
on the deck:
I know:
Lock on targets:
TRO Y: It isn't working:
You're telling me:
Do we go to turbo thrusters?
Attention alien aircraft:
You are violating
United States airspace:
Do you read?
TRO Y: Go to turbos:
You don't have
to say it twice:
they're pulling away:
PILO T 2: Impossible:
The Russians don't
have anything that fast:
PILO T 1: They're going
to be out of range:
PILO T 2: Fire when ready:
Troy, they're firing on us!
This is it, Dillon:
Roll off and hit
your force shield:
Skipper, they just disappeared
off my radar screen:
Those missiles
were locked on target:
They can't miss:
PILO T 1: But there
is no target:
How can they
lock on target
if it isn't there?
I don't know:
Begin a sweep of the area:
Troy, that's as close
as I ever want to come:
Those guys are good:
Yeah, a little too good:
I think we'd better
get down on the ground:
TROY: Hope these things look
like the vehicles we saw
in the Earth transmissions.
Well, here goes nothing.
I just hope no one comes
running across that field
and bumps into that thing.
They sure would
get a surprise.
Well, next stop
Dr. Mortinson,
at a place called
the Pacific Institute
of Technology.
You know, even though
Dr. Zee has designed these
to look as much like
Earth machines as possible,
I think it's safest
if we stay off the
main arteries of traffic.
What are you doing?
Just thought
I'd test the back-up system.
We can't just fly
in plain view.
Earth's machines
don't do that.
Get back down here.
That's better.
Now behave yourself.
That sign says we're headed
in the right direction.
Hey, Troy, you notice
everybody staring at us
back there?
I think it's the clothes
that's giving them a problem.
We'd better get off
and change into those things
that they designed for us
off the entertainments
we viewed from Earth.
Hey, Willie,
get a load
of them bikes.
What is it?
That's what I
Галактика 1980 Галактика 1980

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