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Главная / Галактика 1980

Галактика 1980

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before it shows up.
You feel fine today,
but it's tomorrow that
you have to worry about.
All right, gentlemen,
I'll tell you what
I'm going to do.
I'm going to look into it.
How's that?
That would be
very reassuring.
When what?
When are you going
to look into it?
Right away.
We got all kinds of
chemists around here.
This is a chemical plant.
We're in the chemical
business. It's what we do.
When can we expect
to hear from you?
That, I can promise you,
Very soon.
We appreciate
your time.
SHERIFF: Look, John,
I've got an Air Force colonel
and a newspaper lady
running around all over
town asking questions.
Now, don't hassle me
about a bunch of Boy Scouts.
Holy cow! Hey, Sheriff,
you won't believe
what I just got on...
Yes, yes, yes,
I'm on top of it, John.
They're from out of state,
but we can handle it.
See that you do.
I'll remind you of what
happened to this town
the last time
we had to shut down over
some wild-eyed nature group:
We were all out
of work for six months.
Now, don't get all
worked up, John.
I mean, they're just
a bunch of Boy Scouts.
Now, what kind of trouble
can they cause?
But you listen to me.
Now, you just remember
that this time you keep
your own men out of trouble.
Sheriff, my men have
families. They're still
paying off the loan
they had to take out
at the bank the last
time we shut down.
All right, all right.
Just lighten up, will you?
I'll get back to you.
Now, what is it?
It's that Boy Scout troop.
Now what have they done?
Nothing, they don't exist.
The doc asked me
to check on this when
he couldn't get in touch
with the parents of those
sick kids at his clinic.
Now, just a minute here.
They either exist
or they don't exist.
And if they aren't
Boy Scouts, then
what are they?
I want every single one
of those Boy Scouts picked up.
And that includes
those phony scoutmasters.
Sheriff, what is it?
What's going on?
Well, well, well.
It gets to be a pretty
sad state of affairs
when these nature groups
start using little children
to perpetrate lies
and propaganda.
Propaganda? Those children
are definitely sick.
Have you seen them?
Well, if you believe that,
then you're almost as big
a fool as I was.
Unless you're part of this.
Part of what?
Well, you see, I get just
a little bit suspicious
when a big-time
television reporter
like you
conveniently shows up
just in time for a hot story.
Sheriff, I resent
that accusation.
Resent it all
you want, lady,
but didn't one of the
biggest newspaper men
in this country
start the
Spanish-American War
just to make headlines?
Don't you leave town, now.
Because before
this is all over,
I'm gonna check out
every single one
of you people,
right down
to your fillings.
Come on, Collins. Boys.
Let's round them up.
What's all the
excitement about?
You and the little
super Scouts.
Super Scouts?
Troy, I just came
from the sheriff's.
They know
you're imposters.
Yes, uh-oh.
Now, what are you gonna do?
The sheriff's on his way to
arrest you and the children.
Well, I guess
we better get there
ahead of him.
How are you...
Never mind, I know how.
What are you gonna do with
the kids when you get there?
They can't all escape
on these things.
That's a good question.
That's a very good question.
Hey, lady.
Do you mind
getting out of the...By all that's sacred,
what is this?
There's something
going on in this town.
They're taking
our cars.
Who? There isn't
anybody driving.
That sample doesn't contain
any of the blood cells
a human should have.
You're gonna bring help
down here to Earth?
I'm going.
You above all must
not be risked.
Our satellites are
picking up high-beam
What does it
sound like?
Like nothing I've
ever heard in my
ADAMA: The great ship,
Our home for these many years
we've endured the wilderness
Галактика 1980 Галактика 1980

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