anogram. All right, I'll make the necessary arrangements. Wait a minute. What was that last thing you requested? Uh, do the best you can. They're into all kinds of research. They're from that new Astro-medics place outside of Cleveland. Oh. Do you want to give me a hand, Val? Val, are you all right? Look at me. Your pupils are dilated and your skin is flushed. My skin is blue and my dress is pink. If you aren't getting these colors bright and true on your television set... Take it easy, Val. Considering the pressure you were under, you came through like a trooper. I did, Dr. Spencer? I'll get the lab ready and standing by. What do you think? I think we better get back to the others. They're probably frightened to death by now. Earth. The place these children dreamed about as a home may wind up killing them. What do you suppose is causing this? The only logical explanation is that your immunities are different than ours. What may be totally harmless to Earthlings could destroy the Galactican race. Even a cold could be deadly to you and the children. We'll know better when the analysis comes back. In the meantime, we have to talk to the other children. Find out what these three did that they didn't. I'm sorry the children couldn't have a better welcome here on Earth. Whose fault could it be? At least we can thank you for being here when we needed you. DILLON: We couldn't find a better place to settle the children. This is where we came. And this is where they stopped and satisfied their thirst. Troy? Unbelievable. What is it? Murder. Can I help you boys? We were just admiring this choice land. Does all the water in this area have the same content? Are you kidding? I bet you boys never fished in a lake like this before. Yeah, you want to drop in a line or two, you got my permission. Permission? Yeah, you're on private land. This whole thing belongs to the plant. That thing on your wrist you were aiming at the water. What is it? Some kind of a Boy Scout fish-meter? No, it tests for purity. Oh. You wouldn't happen to be one of them environmentalists, would you? Sounds like you have something against environmentalists. Always stirring things up that's none of their business. Anyway, you want to fish, you go ahead. You've got the permission of Stanford Chemical Plant. Anything else, you're gonna have to move along. Tell me, uh, just where is this plant located? Well... What do you want to know for? I believe it's a good idea to teach the children to return kindness for kindness. Who would be responsible for the benefits this lake could bring us? Well, I'm the one who says it's okay to fish. Mr. Stockton's plant manager if you want to drop him a letter when you get back home. Excellent. Children. And don't forget to mention me. Oh, we won't. Gentlemen, I certainly sympathize with the illness in your troop. But it can't possibly have anything to do with our plant. You are pouring waste products into that lake. We'll show you the chemical analysis, if that will help. How could you possibly know this? Didn't you tell me you just arrived yesterday? And these children just took sick? From drinking the water. We ran tests. Where? How? Who validated these tests? What laboratory? We did the analysis ourselves. With your Boy Scout field kits? Forgive me, but I can't help feeling insulted by this accusation. You know, we take great precautions when it comes to the environment of our neighbors. We test this water all the time. After all, we live in this community, too, you know. We know. And that's why you should be alarmed. Alarmed? Yes, sir. For yourself, for your family, for all the people in this town. You're all dying. Dying? Do I look like I'm dying? I know you guys mean well, but I feel great. The kind of damage we're talking about takes years
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