is interested in everything, even if you don't think it's important. You'd be doing a great service to your country. We want to do that. Thank you. Oh, incidentally, how did you get here? I didn't see any car or bus or anything. Uh, it's in town, getting supplies. Uh-huh. Well, have a nice encampment. And, uh, I used to be an Eagle myself, you know. "Eagle, a large bird." He used to be a bird? It's scary. It sure is. (CHILDREN SINGING SOFTLY) That was wonderful. I want to learn it. Captain Troy, something's wrong with Moonstone. TROY: Moonstone, what's wrong? My Lord, what is it? (MOANING) Pulse and respiration, 80 percent below normal. Increased perspiration. He must be in shock. How long has Moonstone been like this? Just a few minutes. Hurry, Captain, everybody's getting sick. What is it? I think these children are dying. Yes, may I... Oh, dear, what happened? We're not sure. I think that he's... In shock. We need space for these three children. Of course. In there. This child seems the sickest. Doctor, if there's anything... I'm just a nurse. Look, the doctor's out on call. I'll get him here as fast as I can. I don't understand. Can't she do anything? She'd like to. A nurse is only allowed to assist a doctor. She can't assume the responsibility. So we just wait around and watch our children die? We're not going to wait. Breaker, breaker, Dr. Spencer, are you out there? Vital signs are deteriorating. You sure you know what you're doing? It's a bit large for a cell biopsy, isn't it? It's the best I could find. It reads out as some sort of poisoning. I can't identify the toxic chemicals. There's no Galactican equivalent. Severe cell dehydration. We're gonna have to introduce fluids. Yeah, if they use a six-carbon-chain supplement on Earth. Jamie, are you familiar with what you call "glucose"? Yes, an I.V. Intravenous drip with 5 percent glucose. This is what you want. Breaker, breaker, Dr. Spencer, you out there? Yeah, Val, what is it? I've been trying to reach you. You got to get here as fast as you can. Well, the doctor's on his... What's going on here? What do you people think you're doing? What is this I.V. Doing in this child's arm? I've got to get that I.V. Out of this child's arm. Nurse. Please, don't. You don't understand. It's against regulations. If the doctor finds out about this, I'll be suspended. Now, what do we do? ADAMA: After all this time, why did they decide to attack that lonely freighter? I think I know the answer. Adama, since the time of our defeat, the Cylons have not been idle. Not only have they developed new machines, but they have evolved beyond our greatest fears. In what way? Consider this. In 30 Earth years, it is possible to create a totally new technology. If they're so almighty powerful, why don't they simply destroy us? They wish to experiment with their new machines. Using us as living targets. No word yet from our shuttle. Our only hope is that Captain Troy has been able to lead them safely to Earth. What happens to those children may be the best indication of all whether or not we can survive. What's going on here, Val? Who are these people? You know they're not allowed to... Oh, thank God you're here. Lord, what's the matter with this boy? He's in serious condition. Who hooked up this I. V? SPENCER: Val? TROY: I hooked it up. You obviously know your medicine. And you probably saved the boy's life. He's stable, but I don't like the look of his vital signs. We'll run a fast set of tests. Doctor, these children are suffering from extreme doses of toxic poisoning. Is that what you told them, Val? A simple cell biopsy will confirm it. Cell biopsy? Doctor. It's all right. They know what they're talking about. We need immediate tests for stomach content and a full blood series. And a neuro-transmitter
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