don't come up with anything except a bunch of Boy Scouts camped in the woods. Did you say Boy Scouts? Yes, sir. The chopper spotted them, next meadow over. I'm going there. Excuse me, Colonel, I didn't mean to pry. I will keep this off the record if you like. What could the possible significance be of a bunch of Boy Scouts? Mr. Brooks, so far, all I've had to talk to is a couple of hunters, who may have had a few eggnogs too many. Now, have you ever met anyone more curious or observant than a Boy Scout on an encampment? No, I never did. Good luck, Colonel. SYDELL: Sergeant? Can you believe that? Talk about clutching at straws. I guess this was just another wild goose chase. You know, Jamie, it's funny. What is? When that airline pilot corroborated the two hunters' story, I thought we were really on to something. But now, I guess not. I'll see you back at the station. Yes, sir. (GROWLING) (CHUCKLING) TROY: All right, fellows. MOONSTONE: Why do we have to wear these short pants? They look ridiculous. Because that's what Boy Scouts wear. You think you have problems. I'm not even a boy. All right, you two, now, out of the shelter. According to the handbook, it's called a tent. All right, then, out of the tent. Come on, now. Line up. I need your attention. They're looking for us in flying machines. So we have to get out of the area. LANCER: Hey, there's somebody coming. Lancer, will you stop that? Dillon, go have a look. He's right. Three vehicles coming right at us. MOONSTONE: Earth vehicles. (CHILDREN CHATTERING EXCITEDLY) Hello, boys. Who's in charge here? (SYDELL CHUCKLES) Colonel Sydell, Special Operations. Do you mind if I speak to you and your boys for a couple of minutes? Oh, my Lord. I knew it. Well, certainly. What can we do for you? Well, when did you arrive in this area? We got here late last night. Oh, well, then you may not be of too much help. We had a sighting in this vicinity of what we sometimes call an Unidentified Flying Object. Did any of you see anything like that? A bright light in the sky, anything. No, no, I can say with a certainty that we didn't see anything resembling a bright light in the sky. Oh, too bad. (HONKING) MAN: Boys! Hey, boys, stop that. Put that ashtray back. Don't touch that. Hey, don't touch that. Get away from the tires. Leave those tires alone. Boys do love cars, don't they? Very fascinated, to be sure. Oh, you don't mind if I talk to them? Oh, no. Go right ahead. (HORN HONKING) Dillon? I'll handle it. (SIGHS) Troy, what is going on here? Are you out of your mind? Where did you get those children in these outfits? Jamie, this is not the time to talk about it. Troy, you don't know what kind of mess you could be getting into. You cannot hide behind innocent young children. Where's the real scoutmaster? You're looking at him. You? How did you pull that off? What parents in their right minds are gonna let perfect strangers run off with their small... Troy, you don't mean to tell me that those... That you brought... Jamie, pull yourself together. Smile. It would not do to faint. (HONKING) MAN: Boys, come on. Leave that alone. SYDELL: Okay, boys, now. I'm sure that all of you have heard of flying saucers. I said, I'm sure that... (HORN HONKING) Young man, would you mind not doing that while I'm talking? That's better. Hey, that's a nice watch. Is that some kind of Scout watch? (CHUCKLES) Which brings me to the business at hand. Did any of you see any kind of strange flying craft in the sky last night? ALL: No. Colonel, most of them were pretty much asleep in the back of our vehicle last night. I can assure you that they didn't see anything until we lan... Got here. That's too bad. Now, look, if you should encounter anything during your stay, let me give you a card. The government, the Air Force,
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