biggest retail supplier in this city. Now, here's the little tent. What council are you from? From the Council of Twelve. Must be from out of this area. Oh, yes, a long way out. Do you need some of those handbooks? Twelve would be fine. My, you are starting from scratch. Well, this is the standard camping list. Now, you just run down and tell me everything you need. Twelve of everything. Twelve of everything. Yes. Okay. This might take a little while. Hi, may I help you? I'd like to exchange this auric, uh, gold, for some local currency. What are these? Uh, coins, ancient coins. What happened to them? Intense fire. Burned off all the markings. But the auric, uh, gold content is pure. Aw, too bad they got ruined. Rare coins bring in even more than the price of gold. This way, I can only give you the going rate. That'll be fine. I'm in kind of a hurry. Hurry? I have to have it analyzed. Oh, well, I'm not in that much of a hurry. Just put it in your analyzer. What analyzer? The one you must use to analyze your, uh, gold. We don't do it here. We send it out. Really? Uh-huh. Well, actually I could do it for you. What is that? What are you doing? Uh, you're right. How could you take my word? Look, isn't there someone in charge who knows gold? I know gold. I still have to have it assayed. Let me just put it in this envelope. No, don't do that. Look, I told you, I'm in a hurry. Why don't I just take it back? Where did you get this? My gold, please? What did you do with your hand? Nothing. Look out, Harry, he's got a gun! No, I don't. Don't shoot. Here. Everybody remain calm! Don't anybody move! Give him what he wants! He's got a gun! Don't shoot me, please. I am not going to shoot anybody. Look, just take this back. (POLICE SIREN WAILING) What's that? Did you call the police? Give it up. You look like a nice kid. Don't die over a few lousy bucks. I'll get this back to you in time. Where do you live? Are you crazy? You think I'm gonna tell you where I live? 327 Harrat Street. But I'm moving just as soon as you finish robbing this bank. Someone will help you to your car. Now, will this be check, cash or charge? Oh, uh... Will that be enough? My, yes. What'd you do? Rob a bank? Where have you been? Troy, we've got to get out of here in a hurry. Is this stuff all ours? Yes. Come here. They're saying the suspect ran into that department store over there. You and your partner cover the back door. Let's get on it. You did what? It's called robbing a bank. I couldn't help it, it just happened. Dillon, you could have gotten yourself killed. It's not out of the question now. It's time to go. Here's your change. All right, this time they don't get away. Let's get them. (SIREN WAILING) Troy. Ah, nuts. Nuts? You're hungry at a time like this? That's an expression I learned from the saleslady. Forget about being subtle. We can't afford to take time with these two. OFFICER: All right, let's move it over, guys: No, thanks. Now, you're gonna go up that ramp, or I'm gonna use force: Oh, up that ramp. Why didn't you say so? How come this never happens to those two guys on TV? Jamie, what are you doing here? I got the news over the wire. Have they found anything? Who are these people? Well, for one, the man over there is Colonel Sydell. Air Force Special Detachment One. What's Air Force Special Detachment One? It deals with unexplained phenomena. Speaking of which, I'll ask you again, Jamie. Why are you here? Is there something about the sighting of that UFO that has some personal interest for you? Well, unexplained phenomena was always one of my big interests. Practically a compulsion. What have they found out? Nothing. Whatever was here, if there ever was anything here, is apparently gone. Colonel, we've searched everything within a 15-mile radius. We
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