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Главная / Галактика 1980

Галактика 1980

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got a good enough
budget to find whatever it is,
whoever they are:
SECRETARY: Yes, Colonel?
Get my plane on
the apron in 10 minutes.
Yes, sir:
Children, it's absolutely
necessary that you obey
every order that we give you.
Now, remember your training.
I'm scared.
Come on, let's go.
I wish my mother and father
and baby brother could
see this, too.
Do you think they can
see we're all right?
DILLON: I'm sure they do,
I know that you've never
experienced the sensation
of being on land
with open skies
and fresh air,
but it's absolutely essential,
for our own protection,
that we stay together.
Now, will you stop that?
This isn't gonna
be easy, is it?
I'm telling you,
it came down in this area.
I could see it clear
as day from my car.
How can you tell?
All these fields look
the same at night.
Now what?
We'll move them
to another field as
far away as possible,
using their own vehicle.
Still, with their story,
there's gonna be an army
out here.
It's almost daylight.
There's just enough fuel
left in the shuttle
to re-launch it.
Launch it.
Launch it where?
Into space.
But it's our only ship.
Yes, I know.
But we have
no choice.
From now on, children,
we're on our own.
In the morning,
Lieutenant Dillon and I will
leave to find some apparel
that will help you to blend
in with Earth's children.
What is it?
I don't know.
But they don't
have any
license plates.
I see them.
What do we do?
Just behave like
we belong here.
Aw, now, is that
any way to be?
The last thing we need
is more attention.
Whatever you do,
don't start flying.
Well, that only
leaves us one choice.
Let's get them.
All right.
Hold it just short
of flight speed.
It gets hard to handle
without taking off.
There, that off-ramp.
We lost them.
No way.
They made the mistake
of picking one of my
favorite hiding places.
Hey, didn't we see feet
and wheels under this sign
a minute ago?
You were mistaken.
Yeah, but you're
the one who...
No, you made a mistake.
And that's the way
I'm going to write it up.
You understand?
Right, but...
Ah, no buts.
From now on, I'm in charge.
Department store.
This is where you'll find
clothing for the children.
I'm gonna go cross the street
to that banking institute and
exchange cubits for currency.
Troy, they have no way
of knowing their value.
Earth's ancestors
were our ancestors.
They respected
the value of auric.
It's commonly referred
to here as gold.
I've seared off
the markings
with my laser.
They can quickly
analyze the metal.
All right.
To save time,
I'll go in and start
looking for clothes.
I'll have them ready
by the time you get back.
Good luck.
You, too.
What happened?
I don't know. I went in
and it threw me
right back out.
Threw you out?
Troy, you don't suppose
they've got some kind of
alien detector, do you?
I'll go in and pick out
the clothes for the kids.
You go across
the street
to the bank.
I'm getting it.
Now go to the bank.
DRIVER 1: Hey,
watch where you're going.
DRIVER 2: Hey, get your
head out of the clouds,
will you?
May I help you?
I need clothing
for 12 young people.
Well, you don't look old
enough to have that many
of your own.
You must be
a scoutmaster.
All the troops are coming
in now for their camping
Camping equipment?
I think it's so lucky
for all those young people
to go up into the mountains
and the woods and rough it
with nature.
Soon enough they'll
be softies like us.
Although, you look to be
in pretty good shape.
You must just take
those long hikes
right along with the boys.
About these camping trips,
do you have all the necessary
equipment for roughing it?
Oh, yes. Come,
let me show you.
We're the
Галактика 1980 Галактика 1980

Читайте также:
- текст Дерсу Узала на английском
- текст Банкет на английском
- текст Персона на английском
- текст Отец и сын на английском
- текст Мэри Поппинс на английском

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