significance of that freighter? Our schooling ship, sir. All our children are on board. Send a fighter escort at once. (ALARM SOUNDING) If this old tub sits still for long, the shuttles won't have the range to return the children home to the fleet. Then we'll crash load the children and abandon ship. (ALARM SOUNDING) Attack claxon! It must be a mistake. The Cylons haven't attacked in a generation. That was no mistake. Get the children to shuttles. (ALL SCREAMING) The pilots want to abandon ship before their shuttles are trapped inside. Not until everyone has a full load. But half the compartments are already sealed off. We'll unseal them. Just load these children and wait for more. Yes, sir. It's awful down there. Where are the others? You can't get to them. That passageway is blocked. We'll get to them. No, the door, it won't open, I've already tried. (CHILDREN SCREAMING) Attack Leader to Galactica, Delphi under attack: (COUGHING) Come on, all of you. We're getting out of here. TROY: Get them into that shuttle. Major, what's the report? Eight shuttles launched, 125 children accounted for. We have 12 more. That makes 137. All accounted for. Let's get them home. Come on, let's go. OFFICER: The Cylons are breaking off: Do we go after them? Negative: Protect that freighter: You've all drilled this a hundred times, children. Secure your braces. We're going out fast. Don't bother, I could do it. All right, Starla. Hey, you guys fly it. We can take care of our end. Dillon, come on. Feisty little bunch. They've had to be to survive. TROY: Counting. Going on auto. Full power. All engines full. Three, two, one: Launch. Come on, come on: Stabilizers. On computron automatic. She's not responding. (BEEPING) There's your answer. She's lost hull integrity. On outboard left. We're losing fuel. She's blown those tanks. Transfer what you can into the left bank. BOOMER: Viper command to Shuttle Alpha, do you read? We read you, Boomer. We've suffered some damage: What is the disposition of the fleet? The fleet's coordinates are radius vector 33 degrees left off the elliptical plane: Elevation, 40 degrees north, at 33000 Mega-K's from Alpha Centauri: Computron coordinates makes the fuel requirement to reach the fleet. Recompute to see if we can drift back on a slow curve, using minimum power boosts at intervals to make course changes. No good. We can't catch up. Then we'll have to move off course and hide. They can send somebody back after they lose the Cylons. What if a Cylon Patrol finds us first? Colonel Boomer. Acknowledge: We can't make it back to the fleet. Captain, you have to try: You have no other choices: Yes, I do. The choice these children have been trained for. We'll see you, Colonel. Children, we won't be going back to the fleet. You're about to be the first children from the stars to set foot on the planet Earth. (ALL CHEERING) CAPTAIN: This is 427, leaving Los Angeles center: We are at 30,000 feet: AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER: Los Angeles control center to 427: You are now in range of Omaha center on 550: Good night to you all, and have a nice flight: This is 427. Proceeding to 35,000. And switching over to Omaha center. Good night. Look out! (PASSENGERS SCREAMING) Captain, what was that? I don't know. Military plane of some kind. Get Omaha on the horn. I'm tired of these hot shots that are jamming up the commercial lanes. (PHONE RINGING) Sydell. It's happened again, Colonel. Where? East of Los Angeles. Almost hit a jumbo jet. The Commercial Pilots Association wants our heads. And, Jack, I swear, it wasn't military: We had nothing in the area: Have you got it on radar? I don't know. We had some noise on the screens, but until I can check the tapes, I can't be sure about anything. Well, check it out fast, Harv. This is what I've been waiting for. I've
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