with the ladies. Maybe I'll get a chance to find out, first-hand. Shameless.Send our young back to Earth to be assimilated into her population. Unknown to Earth's people? AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLER: Los Angeles control center to 427: Look out! What was that? I don't know. What is it? I think these children are dying. It reads out as some sort of poisoning. The place these children dreamed about as a home may wind up killing them. They're looking for us in flying machines. So we have to get out of the area. LANCER: Hey, there's somebody coming. MOONSTONE: Earth vehicles. Did any of you see any kind of strange flying craft in the sky? ALL: No. Are you out of your mind? You cannot hide behind innocent young children. Let's get them. We can't afford to take time with these two. ADAMA: The great ship, Galactica: Our home for these many years we've endured the wilderness of space: And now we near the end of our journey: We have at last found Earth: Adama, I've considered the consequences of endless pursuit upon the children of the Galactican fleet. Every day they remain with us increases the danger that they will die in space, leaving no one to carry on for us. Dr. Zee, it was you who discovered the Cylon task force waiting for us to find Earth so they could destroy it. And we have done the correct thing leading them away. Then how can we turn back? We cannot. The Galactica will have to continue on as a decoy, while we send our young back to Earth to be assimilated into her population. Unknown to Earth's people? It cannot be accomplished at once. We first must let our advance guard prepare the way. Perhaps we could confer with the leadership on Earth. To negotiate with one faction on Earth is to arouse the mistrust and paranoia of every other. We could inadvertently trigger the final war. So, we have tools we cannot use, medicines we cannot offer, and knowledge we cannot share. All these things we will give to them. First, we must prepare the way. All right, now, before you can go down to Earth, there are a lot of things you're gonna have to know. Now, how many of you know the meaning of "gravity"? No cheating, Moonstone. Those are to be used later, when you're relocated on Earth. I know the answer. Gravity is an artificial force created on the ship that keeps us from floating through the air and bumping our heads up on the ceiling. That's very good. Only on Earth, gravity isn't artificial, it's natural. Just like it was on our parents' home planet? Exactly. Earth, like Caprica, or any large mass, exerts a powerful attraction, gravity, on other smaller masses. That's what keeps us in place. Right. Otherwise, you'd just fly off into the sky. That sounds like fun. Well, it might be fun until you got up so high that you ran out of atmosphere. Now, what am I going to ask next? What's atmosphere? Right. It's the air we breathe. All right. Now, the reason I'm bringing this all up is that our atmosphere and our gravity, the ones that you're used to, is not exactly the same on Earth. You mean, we won't be able to breathe? Oh, yes, you will. But until you get used to the thinner air, you may get tired sooner. So in the beginning don't be surprised if you can't play as hard as you're used to. However, because the force of gravity on Earth is less than that on Galactica, you'll be able to jump higher and run faster than the children on earth. (ALL CHEERING) I had them under control until you walked in. Study period is over. At least for the instructor. What's the sudden hurry? Something's happened. We've come to a complete stop. Yes, what is it, Colonel? We allowed the freighter Delphi to slow for repairs on her main engines, sir. I'm aware of that. Hasn't she regained her place in the fleet? Sir, they've come to all stop. Colonel, do you realize the
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