trace on this call. No, don't! Jamie, perspective. You've got to learn to view this world from a wider perspective. Now, I don't know what those two men did to get a hold on you. I'll be listening to every word. Line 2. Hello? Jamie, you all right? I'm fine. What are you doing here? It's dangerous. We've got to find Mortinson: Xavier? He's here. He could be trying to get to Dr. Mortinson. We want you to help us get to him. Where can I reach you? We'll reach you. Just stay where you are. Fine. And, Dillon, be careful. You, too. Sensational, Jamie. Listen, get me Dr. Mortinson. I left his home number and the address that he gave me this morning on your desk. Right. Jamie, I can practically guarantee that you'll be off the hook after you help the police apprehend those two. XAVIER: 1777. If Laffitte and his French forces hadn't intervened at the Battle of New Orleans, the American revolutionary war might easily have gone the other way. Why would that be of interest to Troy and Dillon? And here, Gettysburg. The turning point in the Civil War. Or Waterloo, which turned the tide against Napoleon and finished him as a power forever. You haven't answered my question. Well, don't you see? An outlaw could live a good life in any of those periods. If one had a true vision of what was to come, where and when. Yes, but... Or rule the world. That's what Troy and Dillon want. Troy and Dillon didn't strike me as the sort... (PHONE RINGING) Hello. Professor, it's Jamie Hamilton. Jamie, you're all right. Thank God. Yes, I'm fine: But our two friends aren't. A horrible man by the name of Xavier is here and they have to catch him. MORTINSON: Oh? Professor, now, please be careful. Oh, I could tell you things about this man. I mean, he's a maniac and he might try to contact you. Yes, Jamie, I think you're right. Professor? Professor? We might have made a wonderful team back in time, Doctor, but I really don't need you anymore. Jamie, who's Xavier? The kind of man you think Troy and Dillon are, and he's with the Professor. Get me the police. Jamie, where are you going? Jamie. Jamie! Troy. Taxi. Come on, Jamie. You can't go to Mortinson's. Xavier is there and the police are on their way. They won't find him. Why did he come here at all? Because of the defeat that he suffered at our hands. I don't think I follow you. The guy has already lost one battle. This time he's gonna want to be more sure of where he's going. He won't lose again. OFFICER: I've never seen anything like it, sir. If it's Soviet, it's one that got by our intelligence. All right, the teams from Wright-Patterson and Washington are gonna be here first thing in the morning. Yes, sir. I want everyone kept away from these craft, and I mean everyone, including our own people. Understood? Yes, sir. Don't worry, sir. A tank couldn't get through these boys. Okay. Let's go. He's here. How do you know? I know. Look, he can't get off the ground any better than we can. Even if we could get to our ships, the energizers are down to zero. Now, this base has its own power source. If we could get to our ships, we can drain off enough energy to get out of here. Get some lights out here! We're too late. He's in his ship. How do you know that? What's happening? Xavier's draining energy right off the base generator. Let's go. No, Dillon, let's use our own force field. Jamie, I want you to stay put. I hate to mention it, but I can still see you. I'm out. So am I. Jamie. Yeah? You see that guard? Yeah? I want you to get in his way. Wait a minute. I don't like the way you're asking. Jamie, go. I'm going. Miss, can I help you? Hey, wait a minute! Where do you think you're going? Hope she's done this for cover. Let's go here. Stay here. I'm coming with you. No. You have to cover me. If one of those guards
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