looking brown haze hanging over the city? Must be some sort of defense shield. DR. ZEE: It is now early in what Earth time is recorded as the late twentieth century. You are seeing long-range scans of a city of 7 million people going blithely about their business. These are vehicles called automobiles, their primary means of transportation, utilizing a primitive power mode known as the internal combustion engine, which burns a fuel called gasoline, derived from petrochemicals, the decomposed matter of things that lived millions of Earths' years ago. Those automobiles sure don't move very fast. No, but it's a nice, neat formation. It must require a lot of practice and discipline. If you will all watch closely, what you are about to see will alarm you. However, remain calm, for it is intended to inform you. (PEOPLE SCREAMING) No, what you have just seen has not happened... yet. It was merely a computer simulation of what could happen if we were to go ahead with our proposed landing on Earth. It is Dr. Zee's contention that Earth is not yet capable of defending herself against her enemies. If we land, we will bring destruction upon Earth as surely as if we had inflicted it ourselves. Commander Adama. Dr. Zee. If we cannot go back because of a new Cylon force behind us, then we cannot go forward. What do we do? Simply give up? We need time to bring Earth to a level of technology that can help us. And where do we get this time, if we've brought the Cylons to Earth's door? We veer the fleet away from Earth before the Cylons realize she was our goal. And how does that bring Earth into our own century of development? I propose that in any case we could only bring her along, slowly, unobtrusively. After we have decided who we can trust on Earth to help us, rather than annihilate us. Annihilate us? The visual signals from Earth show quite clearly that she is a warring planet, whose warring factions could be as dangerous as those of the enemy behind us. Then how do you propose that we enlist Earth's help? We will send down teams who will work without revealing themselves to Earth's general population. I suggest we approach Earth's scientific community as a beginning. Key men who are in a position to accept us and our knowledge, independent of politics, who truly desire peace, and will use our technology wisely. Boxey, the cold, hard truth is that there is no central government on Earth. There is no single leader with whom we can make contact or negotiate. Well, that's impossible. Then how do they get together for their common good? They don't, as far as we can tell. Oh. Exactly the way I feel. But we can take heart in the fact that we could have found a completely totalitarian government on Earth. As it is, we know that there are pockets, large pockets of freedom. And they are the ones we must seek out. Well, how do we keep the wrong people on Earth from knowing we're there? Well, as usual, Dr. Zee has come up with some interesting new devices, which I guarantee will confound our Earth brothers. How can you be so sure? They confound me. We have endeavored to equip you and your languatron translators with as many of Earth's terminology and customs as we could perceive by monitoring their broadcasts. However, there will be gaps in your knowledge which may expose you to danger. To help you, I place in your keeping my latest innovation. As you all know, each color and sound has its own frequency. Some of which are too high to be perceived by the human eye or ear. By generating a nuclear field, in a frequency above the normal perception of Earth's conventional electronic equipment, or even the human eye, we can render equipment and personnel virtually invisible. Watch closely. No, the ship is not gone. (CLATTERING) It is merely encompassed in a color field beyond the
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