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Главная / Галактика 1980

Галактика 1980

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Answer me.
Hey, take it easy, pal.
Hey, all right. The studio's
a couple miles away
in Century City.
How do I get there
without a vehicle?
A vehicle?
I guess you got
to take a cab.
How do I get one?
Describe them.
You walk to the curb,
you raise your hand.
They come in yellow,
black and white.
Some are checkered.
Thank you.
Hey, who are you?
What's the matter with you?
What do you think
you're doing, buddy?
Watch where you're
going, huh?
Yellow, checkered,
black and white.
Yellow, checkered,
black and white.
Yeah, pal?
Yeah, pal?
Take me to the United
Broadcasting Company's
main studio in Century City.
Come again?
I've gotta
see Dr. Mortinson.
Dr. Mortinson?
Say, isn't that the guy
that caused that big ruckus
the other day?
Yeah, let's see
what this guy is up to.
This could be
our lucky day.
Okay, mister.
This is the place.
Now, what do you want
with the Professor
and where do we fit in?
I won't be needing
you anymore. Thank you.
Hey, wait a minute.
Hold on here.
Do you always hitch rides
with police officers?
Police officers?
If you're really here
to see Dr. Mortinson,
I think we better
tag along, huh?
I'm afraid our
must be private.
Hey, is he a little off?
A little? Man, he's
a card-carrying nut.
And we just dumped him
right on the Doctor's doorstep.
Dr. Mortinson?
That's him.
Hey, hey, Doc, don't get
too close to that guy till
we check him out first.
Who is he?
Well, if you don't know,
Doc, we'll take him with us,
we'll find out.
He knows me,
don't you, Doctor?
No, I'm afraid I don't.
I just saw
your transmission.
You extended an invitation
to us to continue
our exchange of ideas,
so rudely interrupted.
Several million people
saw that telecast.
Can you prove you're
who you say you are?
Now, we're not gonna let you
take a chance on him, Doc.
He's a little off.
You know,
that I can promise you.
If it's proof you want,
you'll have it.
Man, don't let him get away.
Grab him!
Hey! Where did he go?
What happened?
He just disappeared.
I can't believe this.
XAVIER: Let's go someplace
where we can talk.
MORTINSON: I don't understand
why you came to Earth,
instead of Troy and Dillon.
XAVIER: They're outcasts,
banished from our society.
They came here
for personal gain.
They offered
to help us.
Of course.
By gaining an
acceptance with you,
they'd find doors opened
to them on every level
of your culture.
Why? For what reason?
Prestige, power.
Imagine a fugitive from
another world living amongst
you with superior knowledge.
He could have
anything he wanted.
Troy and Dillon
have a plan.
It includes traveling
into Earth's past.
Is that possible?
I intend to show you
just how possible.
Jamie, you're lucky
you weren't hurt.
You know, the police still
believe that you were
a part of the attempt
to kidnap the Professor?
He wasn't being kidnapped.
As a matter of fact,
it was the police
who spoiled everything.
Chief Ryan on Line 1:
Jamie, you sound sympathetic
to the terrorists.
They're not terrorists.
Tell the chief
I'll call him back.
Yes, sir:
Just who do you think
those two men were?
Well, they're sort of part of
a worldwide peace movement.
They want us,
everybody on Earth,
to shape up for
the better days ahead.
What are they?
Some kind of a
religious group?
No, Mr. Brooks.
You just have to
take my word for it.
Take your word?
Jamie, we're not
playing games here.
You were involved
in a very serious felony.
Now, sometimes
in cases like this,
when men subdue woman,
hold them captive,
the law is likely to
consider the possibility
of brainwashing.
You think
I've been brainwashed?
WOMAN: Mr: Brooks,
someone is trying to reach
Miss Hamilton on Line 2:
Well, tell him that
she is not here.
He insisted:
It's a Mr: Dillon:
Dillon? He's one of them.
Put a
Галактика 1980 Галактика 1980

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- текст Вий на английском
- текст Девять с половиной недель на английском

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