father. (ALL CHEERING) TROY: Hello, Willy. I'm not supposed to talk to strangers. Well, we're not really strangers. We're practically neighbors. We landed in your field. Hey, fellows, come back. Willy! You can't say anything. This has to be our secret. Not again. Everybody's giving me all of their secrets. I don't want them. We need our ships. Do you know where they are? I think so. But I can't tell you. Willy, they probably didn't want you to say anything to people who didn't already know about them. But we do. And they do belong to us. How would we get home? You're kind of big to get a scolding if you're late. You'd be surprised. We all have to live by rules. Will you help us? Well, I guess so. If you can prove you're a spaceman, knock big-mouth Tucker on his keister, like he did me. Willy, it's not a good idea to model your behavior after somebody that you don't look up to. You don't want to act like Tucker. I'll tell you what. If you want to convince Tucker that he doesn't know everything, we'll help you. Here. Now, put this on and listen very carefully. See this button here? And this one. Hey, what's happening here? WILLY: Don't you know, Tucker? Who said that? Little Willy. Where you at, man? Inside your brain. I've taken over your body. I think I'll tickle myself. Look at Tucker. Hey, Tucker, what's the matter? You have fleas? No, I got Little Willy. Call him off, call him off. Tell him I'm sorry. WILLY: Your apology is accepted. Be seeing you around, Tucker. Yeah? Just make sure I can see you! Tucker, who are you talking to? Shut up! Thanks, mister. Your ships are at the International Guard Base out on the old highway. But where's the other spaceman? What other spaceman? I heard the officer saying they'd found three ships. Troy, Xavier is in as much trouble as we are. Unless he gets to them first. Thank you, Willy. And, here. We're gonna make you an honorary warrior. Golly! And remember... Don't tell me. It's got to be a secret. Hey, look what I got. (BELL RINGS) Enter. Hello, Boomer. Sir, I'm sorry to report that Xavier has escaped. Escaped? Captain Troy and Lieutenant Dillon have re-entered our time frame, sir. They're unharmed? Yes. They're returning the young woman to her place on Earth. Good. Have them recalled at once along with all other Earth missions until we find Xavier. (BEEPING) Troy, here. You didn't get back a micron too soon. Do you know where Xavier is? No, sir, I don't. In your mission's coordinates: But why? He knows we'll find him. But this time he may be thinking of finding you first: Now, if you don't have the fuels and resources to sustain you, I'll send another team. No, sir, I don't think that'd be a good idea right now. The climate here has turned very hostile. I'll get back to you later. Troy out: MAN ON TV: An escape that no one seems to be able to explain: And then here, a high-speed chase in which you, Dr: Mortinson, and a young television journalist, Jamie Hamilton, were held captive by the terrorists: We've invited Dr: Mortinson to be in the United Broadcasting Company's studios in Los Angeles this morning, to talk to us about his ordeal: Doctor, there's a lot of mystery about your abduction and subsequent escape from the terrorists, and yet the police imply that you've been less than cooperative: MORTINSON: Mr: Brooks, it is not a question of cooperation: You can't tell what you don't know: But, Doctor, you were a man who was held hostage and yet you don't seem very angry: Well, I'm not angry about it: Look, these young men had something to say to me: I went with them, perfectly voluntarily, to listen: Doctor, are you saying that you don't believe that you were either tricked into this abduction: : : Can you tell me how to get to the United Broadcasting Company's main studio? Practice man, practice.
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