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Главная / Галактика 1980

Галактика 1980

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carry you into your seat.
I have every intention
of leaving this place.
You didn't exactly lend
any credibility to
my reputation here.
I wish you good luck.
And good hunting.
DILLON: Grab him, Troy.
I'm sorry.
I thought he'd given up.
Xavier will
never give up.
Let's load the turbines.
TRO Y: Ready, Dillon?
DILLON: Ready:
You're almost home,
JAMIE: What do you mean
I'm almost home?
You're coming
back with me,
aren't you?
We can't:
We've got to get
to the Galactica
and start tracing Xavier:
You're not dropping me off
in the middle of nowhere
and with a story
I can't tell:
We've at least
got to get her to
a population center:
All right:
But these energizers
are down to nothing:
We gotta get in
and out fast:
Oh, right here,
right here.
Yes, please.
"A beverage derived
from a bean,
usually served hot."
Troy, they drink beans.
Oh, my Lord.
We're wanted criminals.
We didn't do anything.
Well, we did kind of damage
that car and that building.
Do they make you
pay for things
like that on Earth?
Or is there
some system?
Would you stop it, Dillon?
The police have
an APB out on us.
And don't look it up.
It means they don't
take chances if you
resist arrest.
They shoot.
Then we'll have
to leave at once.
What do I tell the police?
They think I was
your inside man in trying
to kidnap the Doctor.
The Doctor knows different.
He'll exonerate you.
We have to go now.
It isn't safe here.
It's okay.
They're just clowning.
Golly! They're back!
I adore both of you.
I don't know
what happens now.
But I'll keep your secrets
for as long as you tell me.
Just don't make me
wait forever.
Time has a way
of moving very
I gotta go.
Now, you two better
disappear fast,
you're in a lot of danger.
Thank you, Jamie.
We'll be all right.
I'll never forget you.
Don't forget me.
Morning, boys.
Need any help?
No, we're fine.
Let's get out of here.
It's them.
What do we do?
Do we have a choice?
I can still hear
the Commander's words
ringing in my ears.
"Stay as inconspicuous
as possible."
Big time desperados, huh?
Pull over in the name
of the law:
There is no way
you can escape:
Pull over in the name
of the law:
I got them now.
There ain't no way
they'd get away.
No way at all.
Sheriff, are you there?
Is there anything wrong?
Harvey, I don't feel too good.
TROY: Now what
are we gonna do?
You did the right thing
calling us, Mr. Griffin.
It was my son, Willy,
who found the ships.
Now, I can tell those kids
at school who've been teasing
me about seeing spaceships?
I'm afraid not, Willy.
See, this could be
of vital interest
to our national security.
We don't really know
what we have here.
Willy, do you know
what it means to keep
a military secret?
But the kids will
keep on teasing me.
Maybe not for long.
We're gonna take these ships
back to our compound
so we can
enforce security.
You see, the creatures that
flew them in might come back
and they could
be dangerous.
So you try to
keep our secret.
Do I really have to
keep it a secret?
I'm sorry, Willy,
but, yes.
Well, at least for now.
Well, you'd better get
going or you'll miss
your school bus.
Troy, they're preparing
to take our ships away.
TROY: We don't dare follow
them on these machines with
our force fields so low.
Then how do
we get them back?
I don't know.
But I've got
an idea who might be able to
tell us where they're going.
KIDS: (CHANTING) Spaceship,
Willy saw a spaceship.
Spaceship, spaceship,
Willy saw a spaceship.
I did, I did.
ALL: No, you didn't.
Yeah, I did.
Then where's
the spaceships?
They were there.
My dad says
there were no spaceships.
He says you and your dad
are a couple of liars.
Tucker, you take back
what you said about
Галактика 1980 Галактика 1980

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