get rid of these guys. What are you doing? How do you do that? Who are you? Isn't it about time you stopped asking questions and started listening to me? You've been programmed for two years to do one job, you don't let anyone or anything interfere with it. Besides, your unit, whoever they're working for isn't the only one that has super weapons. What is that? Plastic explosives. If I can get this to the base of that rocket before it launches, it's all over. Three minutes to launching: (GUN FIRES) Criminals. All alike. What are we gonna do with them? Two minutes, 30 seconds to launching: He's here. Xavier, the Council orders you to return to the Galactica with me. I am beyond the Council. And if you attempt to stop what I've started here, I will expose you. You'll have to find me first. It's too late to stop me. Did you say something, Doctor? Well, no, sir. I was just going over some calculations. You look nervous. I thought success was a foregone conclusion. Let's get on with it. It can't wait. TROY: Jamie, stop that. You're starting to show. I'm not doing anything. My energizer must be running down. Now, Troy, we'll bargain for her life. Xavier, come with me or face the consequences. What consequences? Thirty seconds: It is you who faces certain death if you don't follow me. My plan is the only reasonable way to save our people. What matter if it costs the lives of a few people on Earth? A few people? You alter history, you'll kill millions. Six, five, four, three, two, one: Fire rocket: Feel the power. There. It is done. We have changed the future. Don't miss. Oh, darn. I left it on stun. One more chance. This man is a spy. Take him out and have him shot, this instant. (SPEAKING GERMAN) (SHUSHING) I see him. We got to do something. We got to wait for Dillon and Troy. What can they do against all those SS guards? More than we can do. Jamie, I am not used to taking orders. Don't you think it's about time you told me exactly who you people are? Major, there's a time for everything. You believe that? So? Let me put it to you another way. What would make perfect sense at one time might seem completely unbelievable, miraculous, at another time. I don't know what you're talking about. Look, if I tell you who we are, who Dillon and Troy are, you might wish I hadn't. Hey, Jamie, I'm putting my life on the line. Now, you got to level with me, no matter what it is. All right. I guess you do have a right to know. Dillon and Troy... (SOLDIER SHOUTING IN GERMAN) Remember, we can't hit anybody. Tell them that. Now. (SPEAKING GERMAN) Come on, quickly. You and the others have to keep going. Once you're deep into the woods, you can slow down. And then make your way to the sea. Forgive me, young lady. We are all grateful for even one night of freedom. But to try to reach the sea is hopeless. By morning the soldiers will be everywhere. No, no. The soldiers will be preoccupied with something far more important to them than you. Jamie, how can you be so sure? Because it is well past midnight. Which means it is now Tuesday, June 6, 1944. D-day. D-day? What is this D-day? The largest assemblage of ships men and aircraft in the history of the world. (SPEAKING GERMAN) What is it, Colonel? Call the men. Load them up on the trucks. We're being transferred. The prisoners... Are of no importance now. The Allies have landed in Normandy. Jamie. Where are you going? Come on, Jamie. It's almost dawn and we got to get out of here. Am I going to see you guys again? Who knows what the future will bring? TROY: Come on, Jamie. All right, all right, come on, now. We have a long way to go. We're not safe yet. Come on, come on. Let's go. You're all fools. We'll just let the Council of Twelve decide what to do with you. You give me any trouble, I'm gonna stun you and
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