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Главная / Галактика 1980

Галактика 1980

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out there.Don't you think
it's about time you told me
exactly who you people are?
we can't hit anybody.
Tell them that.
NARRATOR: Here are some scenes
from Part 3 of Galactica 1980.
Can you prove you're
who you say you are?
Man, don't let him get away.
Grab him!
One of those guards
makes a move, stun him.
You can't make it, Xavier.
ADAMA: The great ship,
Our home for these many years
we've endured the wilderness
of space:
And now we near
the end of our journey:
We have at last found Earth:
NARRATOR: In a moment,
Galactica 1980, Part 3:
But first,
here are some scenes
from Part 2:
Commander Xavier
has commandeered a ship
and returned to Earth
in the year 1944.
TROY: If Earth isn't advanced
enough to help us now,
what does he hope
to accomplish back
in 1944?
Well, he intends to advance
Earth's technology today
by introducing superior
weaponry far in the past.
Wait a minute...
Am I to understand that
you can travel through time?
Are we all right?
What happened?
We moved through the fourth
dimension into another time:
Our scanners followed Xavier's
trail as clearly as if he'd
simply walked across a meadow:
That's one of ours.
DILLON: Not anymore.
What's an American doing
bailing out of a plane
with British markings?
Why is that
My name is Major Stockwell.
I'm an instructor.
See, if I recall,
the American and English Air
Forces worked independently.
Except for a few special
missions involving spies
or sabotage.
Peenemьnde was
a rocket base,
wasn't it?
Let me say this
another way.
Either you work with us
or your mission's over.
No, that isn't
troop movement.
It's called
the Final Solution.
These people are being taken
to concentration camps.
Most of them
will die there.
What you will see today
is the second generation.
The V2.
Programmed to land
where we want her to land.
And to carry a payload
that is the beginning
of the end for the Allies.
We came here to
get something new.
called the V2.
Of course, the V2.
It almost changed
the course of the war.
Almost changed?
Why are you always
talking in the past tense?
This is no time to be
correcting grammar.
Now, let's do whatever
it is we're going to do.
We have to find Xavier.
This is the English scientist
I mentioned to you, General.
Dr. Xavier, I understand
you were able to provide
a few minor aids to our cause.
I should say I made
this entire event possible.
It's curious.
We follow your scientific
ranks quite closely.
I don't recall ever seeing a
Dr. Xavier mentioned as a part
of the British rocket program.
Yet, here I am.
And the proof of my
competence stands out there.
Stand by to launch rocket:
NARRATOR: And now,
the conclusion
of Galactica 1980.
Ariel surveillance shows
the rocket is just beyond
these trees.
Now we have to get to it
if we're gonna destroy it.
What good will
destroying a rocket do
if they still have
the technology to build more?
There's a real
tug of war going on
between the different
factions of the Nazi military.
Although we're to concentrate
the last of their
fuel and resources.
Are you saying that if
this test fails in front
of all those officers,
that, that might
cancel the program?
That's a possibility.
Look, I'm taking
charge of this operation.
Follow me.
Humor him.
At least for now.
Hey! You, you,
quickly, after them.
Dillon, you go with him.
I think I might have
a chance of finding Xavier
in that block house.
If they fire that rocket,
use your laser to destroy it.
Come on,
here they come.
Four minutes to launching:
I hate to tell you this,
but there's two soldiers
right behind us
and a bomb about to go off
right in front of us.
I know my job.
Yeah, what do you
know about rockets?
They throw out an afterburn
wide enough to clean out these trees.
Got to
Галактика 1980 Галактика 1980

Читайте также:
- текст 1612. Хроники смутного времени. на английском
- текст Анализ крови на английском
- текст Вертикаль на английском
- текст ДМБ-002 на английском
- текст Золотой мальчик на английском

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