said I might be able to find a rare copy of The Moon and Sixpence here. (REPLIES IN GERMAN) Enter, quickly. Now, I have never heard of The Moon and Sixpence: I had to find some way to alert you. The correct password is Marseilles. You might have got yourself killed. The Gestapo is turning the town upside down looking for us. Who are these people? Americans. Don't count on that. These guys have weapons I have never seen before. And no explanation for how they got here. In the middle of the most guarded bastion in all of Germany. We have explanations. They're just very complicated. To say the very least. They did help me escape from some German soldiers. The Gestapo is very clever. I've even seen them shoot one of their own to establish credentials with our underground. What about this child? Soldiers were trying to put her into a large... JAMIE: Boxcar. It was terrible. Yeah, we hear stories about these things. Most of the people are not permitted to see what is really going on. We have learned that tomorrow the military is launching a new rocket. Germany is entering the 21st century. (VEHICLES APPROACHING) (WHISPERING) Gestapo. We're finished. We can pull him through with us. Jamie, hold the child close and remember your briefing. What kind of cowards are you hiding behind this child? Trust us. (KNOCKING AT DOOR) It's too late. You can't stop her. (SOLDIERS SPEAKING GERMAN) (SPEAKING GERMAN) There are too many of them. (SPEAKING GERMAN) (SPEAKING GERMAN) TROY: Your turn, Dillon. DILLON: Right, Troy. DILLON: Who says man can't fly? (THUDDING) TROY: Jamie, leave him alone, so he'll get out of here. Who said that? Who said that? I warn you. I am an expert shot. (MOANING) Help me. Don't look at me so stupid. I'm wounded, help me. We've got to stop them. They're taking the little girl. We can't interfere. I can. No. We have to find Xavier. He's obviously here because of the Germans' new rocket technology. He's probably helping them. Who are you guys? No. What are you? This may sound trite, but we're brothers, all of us. And we're just as anxious to stop that rocket test as you are. For our own reasons. Can you take us there? Yeah. But I was supposed to get help from the old man and the underground. Now, we're gonna need papers and uniforms if we're gonna get anywhere near that test site. We'll get them. And Jamie, we'll find a way to help all these people. That I promise you. Okay. Let's go. (GRUNTING) (SPEAKING GERMAN) General Yodel. This is a great pleasure. And a great day for Germany. Beautiful, isn't it? In minutes, she will land on London. It's just a crude pulse jet. TROY: Is that what all this concern is about? Considering its expense, and the small warhead, it has done little but frighten a few English civilians. Yes, but this is only the beginning. What you will see today is the second generation. The V2. Programmed to land where we want her to land. And to carry a payload that is the beginning of the end for the Allies. We came here to get something new. Something called the V2. Of course, the V2. It almost changed the course of the war. Almost changed? Why are you always talking in the past tense? This is no time to be correcting grammar. Now, let's do whatever it is we're going to do. We have to find Xavier. The time for the test is quite close. We must move to the safety of the bunker. Yeah. Surely, come. This is the English scientist I mentioned to you, General. Dr. Xavier, I understand you were able to provide a few minor aids to our cause. Minor? I should say I made this entire event possible. The English are such a modest people. It's curious. We follow your scientific ranks quite closely. I don't recall ever seeing a Dr. Xavier mentioned as part of the British Rocket Program. Yet, here I am. And the proof of my competence stands
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