's right: Go to turbos and let's get out of here: Let's do it: Mein Himmel, those were not American markings: We have been firing at our own experimental aircraft: GERMAN PILO T: If any of you say anything to the Colonel, you will personally answer to me: Understood? That's a very good trick. How long will it stay like that? Until the energizers wear down. Or about 24 of your Earth hours. And if we don't get back in time? The Nazis will probably find the ship. A permanent home in Nazi Germany. Nice. You insisted on coming along. The population center where our scanner placed Xavier is just beyond those woods. That's a long walk. I don't suppose you'd consider using the bikes. I didn't think so. (PLANE ENGINES ROARING) Come on. Hey, you miserable... Come back here. That's one of ours. DILLON: Not anymore. He's alive. We've got to help him. What's she doing? We're not supposed to get involved. She's getting involved. (SOLDIERS SPEAKING GERMAN) It's all right. I'm an American. Sure. I'm Bugs Bunny. No, really. We just landed here. We? Hello. You're Americans? I'm American. They're from... Forget it, we don't have time. There's a vehicle back there with armed men. I'm sure they spotted my chute. Look, I don't know who you are. I can't take a chance. You're gonna have to find your own way out of here. Hey, nice man. SOLDIER: Halt! Halt or we shoot! (GUN FIRING) Halt or we shoot! Just put up your hands! Set it to stun. JAMIE: Look out! What did you do to them? Gave them a matching set of headaches they'll be talking about forever. We'd like you to work with us. We need information about that town. Peenemьnde, that's all I know. I doubt it. What's an American doing bailing out of a plane with British markings? Why is that significant? My name is Major Stockwell. I'm an instructor. Sure. See, if I recall, the American and English Air Forces worked independently. Except for a few special missions involving spies or sabotage. Peenemьnde was a rocket base, wasn't it? That's a secret known only to Allied Intelligence and the Germans. Which are you? Let me say this another way. Either you work with us or your mission's over. (TRAIN WHISTLE BLOWING) Get back. What's that? I don't know. Troop movements, I think. Over there, quick. Come on. (SHOUTING ORDERS IN GERMAN) No, that isn't troop movement. It's what's called the Final Solution. Those people are being taken to concentration camps. Most of them will die there. Women and children? What could they have done to deserve that? Nothing. Hitler used a campaign of hatred against a people called Jews as a means of explaining away all the problems of his country. It obviously wasn't true. It was just a diabolical way of uniting all the dissidents in Germany. By the time they found out what Hitler really stood for, it was too late. If this is what they do to people, maybe we ought to let Xavier do his worst here in Germany. No. Those men with the swastika armbands are the kind of people he'd be bringing to power throughout the world. Who is this Xavier? Gestapo? Galactican. Look, lady, you're making me very nervous with all this strange terminology. What, you think you got a problem with terminology? When can we get moving? Get moving? We got to help those people on the train. Can't do anything, Jamie. We're not supposed to be here, remember? If my contact is in town, we wouldn't dare go till after dark. Troy, Dillon, it's a little girl. She's coming right at us. Halt! You get the guard, I'll get the girl. (GUARD YELLING IN GERMAN) You were supposed to set it to stun. Feldercarb. I thought I did. Whatever your intentions, you really fixed it good for us to stay here. Come on, get out of here. (MUSIC PLAYING) (PEOPLE CHATTERING) (GREETING IN GERMAN) (SPEAKING GERMAN) A mutual friend of ours in London
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