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Главная / Галактика 1980

Галактика 1980

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could be the greatest
story in history.
And you heard that guy.
He's going to put me on
ice up here indefinitely.
Wherever you guys
are going, I'm going.
You wanna bet?
Dr. Zee, surely it's
out of the question.
The situation is deadly
enough without dragging
a civilian into it.
On the contrary,
our knowledge of Earth's past
grows with every hour.
But our two warriors
must leave at once.
If she's truly
a student of history...
Student? I had a
straight "A" average.
She might be able to tell us
about the period known as
the 1940s.
The 1940s.
That was a time
dominated by
World War II.
World War II?
Yes, you see,
the First World War
was known as
"the war to end all wars."
But it didn't work out
that way.
Then, 20 years later,
in 1939, World War II
broke out.
What caused it?
Basically, it was
a struggle for power.
But it was also a struggle
between various political
with United States,
Great Britain
and her Commonwealth,
China and the Soviet Union
on one side,
against the fascists
of Germany, Italy
and Japan on the other.
It literally involved
every continent on Earth.
DR. ZEE: You see, Adama,
she can be of vast help to us.
Well, as usual, Dr. Zee,
you are right.
DR. ZEE: Time distance
coordinates will place Xavier
in a small hamlet
in a place called Germany,
ruled by a group of people
called Nazis.
Are you familiar with them?
JAMIE: Oh, yeah,
they were real
Why would this Xavier
choose them to help?
They were already
into rockets ahead
of everyone.
Then that's why.
By moving their
capabilities ahead,
he could most quickly
change the face
of today's Earth.
Captain Troy,
see that she's outfitted.
Yes, sir.
How'd you like that?
Don't bother me, I'm praying:
Time travel was discovered
to be made possible
by the theory
that once you exceeded
the speed of light,
you go back in time:
Is that anything
like Einstein's theory?
What did he say?
Essentially he said that if
you could move fast enough,
you could go on a trip
and get back home
before you left:
Or thousands of years
after you left:
That's exactly right:
Now all we have to do
is accelerate back
against the Earth's rotation
until we've undone every
rotation that's occurred
since the 4th of June, 1944:
You ready, Dillon?
My clothes!
They've turned white!
My Lord, we're dead
and gone to heaven:
Not quite:
Don't worry about it:
That's the material
synthetic fiber's
reaction to the time warp:
DILLON: It has to do with
magnetic stress loads:
Are we all right?
What happened?
We moved through the fourth
dimension into another time:
Then this is really: : :
Our scanners followed Xavier's
trail as clearly as if he'd
simply walked across a meadow:
Fighter, sir.
Probably the 423rd
fighter squadron?
No, sir,
there are only two.
American bombers.
When will they let up?
There is nothing
left of Berlin.
I have heard that
our new super rockets
will be ready soon.
If we can convince
the Fьhrer to support us.
He has others trying to
convince him to build
more tanks and U-boats.
Soon we'll have
planes that don't even
have propellers.
I would like to see
the faces of our friends,
the Americans,
the first time they engage
the new Luftwaffe.
Sir, our interceptors
are about to engage
the Americans.
Two planes.
That won't take long.
I see them:
You know, this could be
a little hard to explain:
I suggest we spend as little
time with them as possible:
That's right:
Knock the rotten Nazis
out of the sky:
We can't do that:
You mean you can't
outfight an old bunch
of piston airplanes?
Jamie, we can't
change things:
Those pilots probably
have descendants
who would suddenly
cease to exist in the future:
What's that stuff
coming out of those ships?
They're called bullets,
you dummy:
Now do something:
You must have some
kind of weapons:
Галактика 1980 Галактика 1980

Читайте также:
- текст Бумер. Фильм второй на английском
- текст Замок на английском
- текст Первые на Луне на английском
- текст Волшебная лампа Аладдина на английском
- текст Песня Юга на английском

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