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Главная / Галактика 1980

Галактика 1980

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What's that noise?
Daddy, look!
Couple of shooting stars
or jets or something.
Look, Mr. Griffin.
I haven't got time
for all this.
Not shooting stars.
Even Skipper knows that.
All right, Mr. Griffin,
why don't we just go back into
town, fill out a report?
You know we saw them,
And I'll bet you
they come back someday.
You wait and see.
Maybe this wasn't
such a good idea:
It's too late:
Well, I don't like to tell you
your business, but there isn't
any land down there:
What happened to Earth?
Behind you:
What went wrong?
TRO Y: Nothing, yet:
Look, isn't it about time
you told me who you are?
Who you're with?
Who we're with?
I figured you for some sort
of super NASA or CIA guys:
But you aren't, are you?
No, we're not with them:
We're with them:
Oh, my Lord:
COMPUTER: Incoming Vipers:
No, wait.
Respiratory readout
on that first ship
indicates two people onboard.
COMPUTER: Correct:
Chromosome count
indicates a female:
Get me the Commander.
What is it?
The Battlestar Galactica.
The what?
Our home ship: Hang on:
Vipers returning from Earth,
sir, but they're not alone.
They've brought
someone with them.
That's strictly
against orders.
It's just a possibility
they may be in
some kind of trouble.
Have them brought
to my quarters
the moment they arrive.
It's as big as a city.
She's more than a city.
She's had to serve
as our planet.
Then your last planet
wasn't Earth?
No, we're not from Earth.
Wonder if my coming here
wasn't a huge mistake.
Our Commander's
gonna feel the same.
Captain Troy,
Lieutenant Dillon and guest.
I hope you realize
the serious predicament
you've placed us in?
They didn't have any choice.
I'm Jamie Hamilton.
I am Commander Adama.
Would you mind
repeating that?
What is that?
It's probably some kind
of recording device.
She seems to be
associated with Earth's
communication media.
I see.
I assume you had
no choice other than
to bring her with you?
I insisted.
That's right.
Your recall order
was battle urgent.
Left us no alternative.
She would have exposed
what she had seen.
I suppose we'll have to
deal with her as best we can.
I warn you that abusing
the press is dealt
with very harshly
where I come from.
ADAMA: You'll be treated well.
That had a certain ring
of permanence about it.
I only came here for a story.
Unfortunately, our mission
to present-day Earth has to
be suspended.
Present-day Earth?
we were making progress.
We got to Dr. Mortinson.
Oh, yes. And?
And if the rest of
the scientific community
is as receptive as he was...
We'll discuss this later.
Right now
we have an emergency.
Would you please put that
recording device away?
Thank you.
Commander Xavier
has commandeered a ship
and returned to Earth
in the year 1944.
If Earth isn't advanced
enough to help us now,
what does he hope
to accomplish back
in 1944?
Well, he intends to advance
Earth's technology today
by introducing superior
weaponry far in the past.
Wait a minute...
Am I to understand that
you can travel through time?
Look, time is just another
dimension of space.
You'll have to explain
time warping later.
Right now,
we're not quite sure
what we're up against.
We know little enough
about present-day Earth.
Her past is
a complete mystery.
Dr. Zee will brief us as
much as he can on what
limited knowledge we now have.
Follow me, please.
Wait a minute.
Are you guys serious?
You're really going
to travel to Earth's past?
I mean,
is that really possible?
Like the Commander said,
he'll explain later.
But I might be
able to help.
Jamie, time travel requires
a lot of preparation.
If you don't know
exactly what to expect,
it's very dangerous.
For everyone.
But that's the whole point.
Who knows more about Earth's
past than a person from Earth?
The Commander won't even
consider it.
Dillon, I'm a reporter.
Галактика 1980 Галактика 1980

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