they don't have cars where these men come from. Where don't they have cars? Look out! (HONKING) (SCREAMING) (TIRES SCREECHING) Dillon, will you right this machine? Get it down, get it down, turn the wheel. Turn the wheel. Dave, keep that camera going. This is fantastic. (SIRENS BLARING) Come on, keep up with him, Al. Take your foot off the accelerator. The what? The pedal on the floor. Dillon, now. Dave, stay on that lead car. This is fantastic. Dr. Mortinson is being kidnapped live on Instant News: Dillon, will you stop this machine before you kill us all? I don't suppose it flies, does it? Flies? What's he on? No, it's a simple internal combustion engine which turns a drive shaft that rotates wheels. Talk about primitive. Haven't you people ever heard of anti-gravity travel? (SCREAMS) (DEVICE BEEPING) Troy here. This is Commander Adama: Return to the Galactica at once: Crisis condition: Galactica out: Who's he talking to, his service? I hesitate to ask. Well, what's a Galactica? Doctor, if I can ask you to keep what little we've discussed in confidence, we'll have to arrange to meet again as soon as possible. What about the formula in my lab? It's incomplete. I must have the rest. Just consider this a beginning, a token of our good faith, if you keep your silence until we return. When will that be? Don't worry, Doctor. You may be willing to work on faith, but I'm staying with them right to the end of the line. That is impossible. You try and lose me and I'll blab everything I know. Troy, our first mandate was to remain incognito from the masses. Well, you're doing a great job of that. Dillon, this is hopeless. No, it's not. The terrorists apparently made good their escape out the rear door of the store before the police could surround it. However, Dr. Mortinson, the object of the kidnapping, is safe. Right now he's being questioned by the police. (MAN CHATTERING ON POLICE RADIO) No sign. I don't see how they did it. But they did. Let's go and report to the Captain. Okay, I give up. How did you guys do that? We haven't time to explain. And this time, I'm driving the machine. Hey, that's a police car! Good, they're very fast. Drug runners, spaced-out drug runners. It's the only thing you guys could be. Jamie, this is where we say farewell. Oh, no, not until I get the whole story. Get in, Dillon. We can't stand around and argue. (JAMIE SCREAMS) (TIRES SCREECH) What are you guys, Martians? Close. Let's go. Doctor, any comment? I'm fine. They did me no harm. Troy, we're late. Maybe not. Maybe the energizers just ran down. You should be all right now. "I should be all right now." Are you crazy? No, I'm crazy. That's what they're going to say. Jamie. Don't "Jamie" me. How dare you come into my life with... With people that disappear. Flying motor scooters. They're turbines. Don't get picky with me. I want to know who you are and what you intend to do about this mess you've gotten me into. (POLICE SIRENS BLARING) Troy, what is that? We have to go now. There. You hear that? The police followed us. Come on. Where do you think you're going? You have turned me into a fugitive wanted by the law as an accessory to kidnapping, terrorism, and I am not going to take this rap alone. So, either you explain what you're up to to the police, or I go with you and get the whole story for my station. Exclusive. And with film at 6:00. Film at 6:00? Skip it. Let's go. Troy, I don't think we have any choice. I mean, if we leave her, she's got to say something. And it's not going to be good for us. The spaceships were right around here someplace, Sheriff. Uh-huh. Sorry I didn't believe you, Son. Now I know how you felt. I can't understand it. I know they were right here in the north side of the meadow. Uh-huh. Hang on: Why? You'll see: (ENGINE RUMBLING)
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