day in Chicago. Temperatures in the upper 70's. Right now, 75 at the lakefront, 74 at Midway, 73 at O'Hare. Tom! - What's the matter? - It's Ferris Look at him Ferris? He doesn't have a fever, but his stomach hurts and he's seeing spots - What's the matter, Ferris? - Papa? Feel his hands, they're cold and clammy - I'm fine I'll get up - No! - I have a test today - No I must take it I want to go to a good college, so I can have a fruitful life Honey, you're not going to school like this - What's his problem? - He doesn't feel well Dry that one out, you can fertilise the lawn Jeanie, is that you? I can't see that far Jeanie? Jeanie, I - Bite the big one, junior - Jeanie, you get to school If I was bleeding out my eyes, you'd make me go to school It's so unfair Jeanie, don't be upset with me You have your health, be thankful That's it! I want out of this family I'm okay I'll just sleep I'll have an aspirin around noon I'm showing some houses to that family from Vermont today My office will know just where I am if you need me - I'll check on you too, pal - I have such loving, caring parents You're both very special people - You get better, pumpkin - Okay, pumpkin I'll be home at six sharp If you need anything, call Ringy-dingy - We love you, sweetie - I love you, too Call if you need us They bought it Incredible! A terrible performance, and they never doubted it for a second How could I be expected to handle school on a day like this? This is my ninth sick day It's tough coming up with new illnesses If I go for ten, I'll have to barf up a lung So I'd better make this one count The key to faking out the parents is the clammy hands It's a good non-specific symptom I'm a big believer in it A lot of people will tell you to go for a phoney fever But if you get a nervous mother, you could wind up in a doctor's office You fake a stomach cramp When you're bent over wailing, you lick your palms It's childish and stupid, but then, so is high school Life moves pretty fast If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it I do have a test today, that wasn't bullshit It's on European socialism What's the point? I'm not European, so who gives a crap if they're socialists? They could be fascist anarchists, it still wouldn't buy me a car I recall Central Park in fall how you tore your dress what a mess, I confess... It's not that I condone fascism, or any "ism" A person should not believe in an "ism", he should believe in himself I quote John Lennon: "I don't believe in Beatles I just believe in me" A good point there After all, he was the walrus I could be the walrus, I'd still have to bum rides off people Adams Adamly - Here - Adamowlsky, Adamson - Adler - Here - Anderson Anderson? - Here Bueller Bueller Bueller Bueller He's sick My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend - - saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavours last night I guess it's pretty serious - Thank you, Simone - No problem whatsoever Frye Frye Frye - Hello? - Cameron, what's happening? - Very little - How do you feel? - Shredded - Is your mother in the room? She's in Decatur Unfortunately she's not staying - Where are you? - I'm taking the day off, come on over - I can't, stupid, I'm sick. - That's all in your head - Come on over. - I feel like shit I can't go anywhere I'm sorry to hear that Now come on over and pick me up I'm dying You're not dying. Youjust can't think of anything good to do. Cameron really needs a day off He has a lot of things to sort out before he goes to college When Cameron was in Egypt's land let my Cameron go. Cameron is so tight - - that a lump of coal stuck up his ass would turn into a diamond - Katie Bueller - Edward Rooney, Dean of Students. I'm so sorry I completely forgot to call - You know your son isn't in school? - Yes. Ferris is home sick. I had a meeting this morning. I ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Свой среди чужих, чужой среди своих на английском - текст Взять живым или мёртвым на английском - текст Человек из ресторана на английском - текст Киборг 2 на английском - текст Арахнофобия на английском |