the impact would slow the car, that it would fall out, - - but it actually shot out of the building - - and flew over the mark that we had hoped for Fortunately it hit a fence, which kept it from going over to another property The town made us protect the ravine, - - so every little seedling had to be protected We put down burlap, cut holes, and put the seedlings and trees through it, - - so that we could remove all the glass We didn't leave a single piece of glass The ravine was left exactly as we had found it It's kind of a scary shot, dollying up to this hole Again, this was all composed for wide-screen We also didn't know what a replica car was going to do when it hit We didn't know if it was going to split We used a metal body, so it would bend rather than shatter, like fibreglass You can see in that window how advanced autumn was Those leaves have fully turned colour, at the top they're gone This was shot later We didn't need to paint the ravine This was all painted Cameron, it's my fault I'll take the heat for it We'll wait for your father - - and I'll tell him I did it He hates me anyway This is the first time we see Ferris frightened This is beyond his control Now he's morally obligated to solve the situation he set up The change in Cameron's character comes when he rejects that When the car flew out, he was very frightened Now he finds his strength I think they have their friendship He's accomplished the day If he didn't know exactly what the day was going to mean, - - he put in motion circumstances that have led to this He knew it involved Cameron Since it was near graduation, - - their relationship would change, and he had something to fix in Cameron He didn't know the specifics, but set up circumstances so he could deal with it It was nice to leave Jeanie furious with this guy, ready to punch him, - - and then come back and see that, in that time, she's fallen for him When it played in the theatres, I was surprised people got that When they first kissed You saw it in the background there She gives a nice look to Charlie Sheen A nice, motherly look A great look of anger and disgust She's embarrassed She played hard, now her mother treats her like a child This is the first time you see any innocence from her at all There's a softness in her, which really came from somebody listening to her It's a key thing Her problem is that she's uncomfortable with herself She isn't happy with herself or her name, - - so she uses a pseudonym It's a nice thing in the score The voices in the background - - begin singing "Shauna, Jeanie", which I thought was a nice touch I like the maturity of their relationship They seem like a married couple Their romance is something deeper It's not really teenager It doesn't have the urgency of early teenage romances They're very comfortable with each other I think she enjoyed this scene I don't know about him Now this is just the chase We shot this all over the place This took forever We were chasing the weather Some of it was done in California, some in various suburbs of Chicago I had three sisters growing up I know all about mother-daughter arguments This is extremely and deliberately contrived, - - that they should meet eye-to-eye She's in the car, he's on foot These are the backyards I used these houses in "She's Having a Baby" "16 Candles" and "Uncle Buck" were basically shot in this neighbourhood They're beautiful houses This oblivious father They should be facing the other way, but we were running out of light Like I said, it was a very contrived scene This song I didn't want to do a score It was a long sequence, - - and I didn't have any ideas, so I was looking for songs that could play There you can see a palm tree, which drove me nuts A palm frond that was cut off so it didn't show in the movie, - - then they put it in a trash bin and set it in the shot I found ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Кин-Дза-Дза на английском - текст Чудеса своего рода на английском - текст Похищение "Савои" на английском - текст Хоттабыч на английском - текст 38 попугаев на английском |