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Главная / Фарго


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They never...
No. No, they never married.
- Mike's had psychiatric problems.
- Oh, my.
Yah. He's been struggling.
He's living with his parents now.
- Oh, jeez.
- Linda's fine. You should call her.
Jeez. Well... jeez.
Thats a surprise.
Mr Lundegaard. Sorry to
bother you again. Can I come in?
Yah. No, I'm kinda busy here.
I understand. I'll keep it real short, then.
I'm on my way outta town,
but I was wondering...
- Mind if I sit down? Carryin' a load here.
- No. I...
Its this vehicle I asked you about.
I was wondering...
Yah, like I told ya,
we haven't had any vehicles go missing.
OK. Are ya sure?
Cos, I mean, how do you know?
The perpetrators were driving a car with
dealer plates and called someone here,
so it would be quite a coincidence
if they weren't, you know, connected.
- Yah, I see.
- So how do you...
- Have you done an inventory recently?
- The car's not from our lot, ma'am.
- How can you be sure without doin' a...
- Well, I would know.
- I'm the executive sales manager.
- Yah, but I understand...
- We run a pretty tight ship here.
- I know, but how do they establish that?
Are the cars counted daily,
or what kind of a routine here?
Ma'am! I answered your question.
- I'm sorry, sir?
- Ma'am, I answered your question.
I answered the darn...
I'm cooperating here, and there's no...
Sir, you have no call to get snippy
with me. I'm just doing my job here.
I'm not arguin' here.
I'm cooperating and there's no...
We're doin' all we can.
Sir, could I talk to Mr Gustafson?
Mr Lundegaard.
Well, heck!
If you wanna play games here...
I'm workin' with ya
on this thing here, but...
OK, I'll do a damn lot count.
- Sir, right now?
- Yah, right now.
You're darned tootin'.
If its so damned important to ya.
Well, I'm sorry, sir.
Ah, what the Christ. Jesus!
Oh, for Pete's sake.
For Pete's sake, he's fleein' the interview.
He's fleein' the interview!
How do I get an outside line here?
Yah, Detective Sibert, please.
I said it was over. I made myself clear.
Oh, you did. You made yourself
peftectly clear, but something's come up.
- What?
- Its something kind of small,
but it might be a big problem.
I'm pregnant.
I'm pregnant.
I've had a doctor's test and there's no
doubt about it. I'm gonna have your baby.
You should see the other guy.
What the fuck happened to her?
Oh, she started shriekin', you know.
Well, I got the money.
All of it. All 80 grand.
Thats 40 for you. 40 for me.
Thats it, then.
You can have my truck.
I'm takin' the Ciera.
We split that.
How the fuck do you split a fuckin' car,
you dummy? With a fuckin' chain saw?
One of us pays the other for half.
Hold on. No fuckin' way.
Did you fuckin' notice this?
I got fuckin' shot!
I got fuckin' shot in the face.
I went and got the fuckin' money.
I got shot fuckin' pickin' it up.
I've been up for 36 fuckin' hours.
I'm takin' that fuckin' car.
That fucker's mine, you fuckin' asshole.
I've had to listen to
your fuckin' bullshit all week.
Are we square?
Are we square?
Yeah, you fuckin' mute.
If you see your friend Shep Proudfoot,
tell him I'm gonna nail his fuckin' ass.
His wife, this guy says,
was kidnapped last Wednesday.
- The day of our homicides.
- Yah.
- And this guy was who?
- Lundegaard's father-in-law's accountant.
- Gustafson's accountant?
- Yah.
But we still haven't found Gustafson?
- Sorry. Didn't copy, Lou.
- Still missing. We're looking.
- Copy. And Lundegaard, too?
- Yah. Where are ya, Margie?
I'm almost back.
I'm takin' a drive round Moose Lake.
- Oh, Gary's loudmouth.
- Yah, the loudmouth.
So the whole state has it?
Gustafson and Lundegaard.
Yah, its over the wire. They'll find them.
- Copy.
- Yah, we got a lead on a...
- There's the car! There's the car!
- Whose car?
My car! My car! Tan Ciera. Tan Ciera.
OK. Careful, Margie.
I'll send a couple of cars.
Hands up!
So that was Mrs
Фарго Фарго

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- текст Золушка на английском

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