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He'll be looking things over
pretty closely over there.
Getting rid of a lot of dead wood.
You'll shake it up over there, won't you?
I'll shake things up. That place will
shake like a hurricane when a tree hit it.
When you come in, drop by my office.
Nah, why don't you drop by my office?
Yeah, sure. I'll see you.
Look, no hands, doctor's orders.
Can't lift anything heavier than 10 pounds.
Hey, they got ice down there.
I never pissed on ice before.
-Don't catch cold.
-I'll try not to.
Feels good!
This is one of nature's simple enjoyments.
I needed that, you know.
After you, my dear Alphonse.
All right.
Now, you see those buildings, Joe?
Those beautiful monuments...
...concrete, glass.
I work in one of them.
You know what they do in those buildings?
They move paper.
That's right. They pick it up in one place...
...and they move it to another place.
They pass it all around their offices.
And the more paper you move...
...the more important you are,
the more they pay you.
If you want to really show
how important you are...
...what you can get away with...
...you make little paper airplanes...
...and you sail them
right up somebody else's ass.
Do you ever get the feeling
that everything you do...
...your whole life,
just one big crock of shit?
I got a great idea. Wanna go huntin'?
I haven't gone hunting in years.
-I got a great place, you know.
You should've seen the buck
I got last year, big one.
-You know what else you gotta do?
You gotta come out to the house,
meet the little woman...
...have a little dinner with us,
see how the other half lives, okay?
Okay, Joe.
-Okay, Compton?
-It's a deal.
Take care, Compton, and just remember...
...you don't have anything
to worry about, okay?
You won't believe this, darling,
but I have just been...
...with a guy who knows.
It's all right. He likes me.
Rest up.
The doctor said only a few more days.
-I'll see you tomorrow, okay?
-Good-bye, darling.
-Bye, mother.
Well, say good-bye to daddy for me.
-Excuse me.
-Yes, surely.
-Phyllis. How'd you ever find me?
-Hey, you don't look so bad.
-Well, I could look a lot worse.
My mother was just here.
She's been here every day, twice a day.
Twice a day?
Well, she can't be that bad.
You ought to meet my mother.
Well, so how's Frank?
Stop it, for Christ's sake!
You'd think the Pope was comin'!
What am I gonna talk to her about?
You never had any trouble
talkin' with the girls.
Shuttin' you up was the problem.
Joe, I didn't dust.
Look, you buy curtains, she buys curtains.
I give you a few bucks in Gimbels,
you go crazy.
You give her a few bucks in Gimbels,
she goes crazy.
-She doesn't shop at Gimbels, Joe.
-Okay, she goes to Macy's.
Women got a lot to talk about, they think.
Won't be any worse than the time
your rich aunt came over...
...the one who didn't leave us any money.
Come in.
Mary Lou's been dyin' to meet you.
-Mary Lou, this is Bill Compton.
-It's a pleasure.
Hello. My wife, Joan.
How do you do?
-Nice knowin' you.
Here, let me take your coats.
Take their coats, honey.
-Let me help.
My best friend in high school
was named Mary Lou.
I loved her name.
I always wished I had it. I hated mine.
-Well, you've got a nice name, Joan.
-Thank you.
Well, I'll just be a minute.
I can see we're gonna get along real good.
What'll you have, a Bud or 7 and 7?
Bud or 7 and 7?
We got ginger ale, too.
Yes, how will you have your
Seagram's 7 Crown, dear?
Ginger ale or 7-Up?
Ginger ale's fine, thank you.
Ginger ale, beautiful.
And for the gentleman?
-Bud, the king of beers.
-Where's the ginger ale?
-Under the....
-I thought you keep it on the shelf.
-I do keep it on the shelf, but--
Did you have any trouble findin' the place?
No, Joe. Your instructions were perfect.
-Pretty nice place you got
Джо Джо

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- текст Наваждение на английском
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