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sing in the morn!
Professor Maltsev, please.
...AII that is gone
Cannot return.
It's one-way street, no going back,
And ifyou're now offthe track,
Tomorrow you'll get back in the saddle.
Wake up and sing, wake up and sing,
And just keep smiling,
For once in your life, keep smiling!
- Fedya! It's you?
- Mishka!
- How are you, fella?
- How are you doing, Fedya?
I can hardly believe it's really you!
- It's not really him.
- Hey, get outta here!
Well, what are you doing?
I work as an engineer.
And you?
Way to go!
He's a thief!
- That's not funny, granny.
- No, it's not funny.
- Come on.
- where are We going?
We'll live in the country. I've just
made connections with the fence.
- Who is he?
- Fedya Yermakov.
We were in the orphanage together.
- Stop pouting. I had to.
- Listen here, Docent.
I know you're the headman
around here.
But why say it in front of Mishka?
You've seen him.
He's not like us.
He was so happy to see me...
And you called me a thief.
- What'll he think about me now?
- You're in for a surprise.
- He will envy you!
- Envy Me?
Sure! Who is he?
Just a regular engineer.
How does he live anyway? Goes to
work mornings, comes home at night...
To his wife
and sniveling brats.
So now and then he goes to a show,
in the summer to Yalta on vacation.
Intolerable boredom!
And who are you?
A gentleman offortune, outlaw,
robber, you really live.
You steal, drink, crash into jail.
It's much more romantic!
So cheer up!
Of course, the guy envies you!
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
Lift your knees up!
No cheating!
Fall in right here.
Quick march!
That's it.
One, two, clap your hands.
One, two, stamp your feet.
Feet higher,
don't bend your knees!
Squat! Up!
Good! And now we proceed
with special ablutions!
- This is good!
- Docent, I have a cold.
- I'm going to clobber you!
- That's all you can say, huh?
Snowflakes white and fluffy
make a magic sight,
Snowdrifts have grown
all over outside.
Thank you very much.
And one more thing, Yelena Nikolaevna,
don't tell anyone for the time being
that you met me in Moscow.
Why was I made up this way?
It was a sort of contest
for the best bogeyman.
I'm sorry...
Dinner is ready!
I said hands offthe stuff in here.
You're going to wreck the piano.
He also drew a naked woman on
the mirror with some lipstick.
- Why?
- are you going to chow or not?
Good old spuds!
- Your hands!
- my hands?
Let's see your hands!
Go and wash!
A man can't even eat!
Wash, wash, wash...
San Sanych!
Let me have some cash, will you?
I've got to buy a butane burner.
The gas range
doesn't work.
Listen to my orders!
You don't fiddle with anything!
You don't light any fires!
You'll wash everybody's clothes,
and you two...
You learn some English, from here
to here. You will have an oral test.
lfyou don't know your lesson,
I'll gouge your blinkers out
and, how does it go? I'll clobber you!
You get that?
- What's the use of learning English?
- We'll pull a blast at the embassy!
What's the English for "pencil"?
A table?
A girl?
- A broad.
- No. in English?
- Girl !
- O yes, yes - girl.
Yes, yes, we'll get in a mess.
Hello there! So you're the ones
who are staying here?
No, we're not.
The owner lives in Moscow.
Yes, I know.
I'm the owner.
This is Vassia. He's our adviser
in scientific research.
- Pleased to meet you.
- Hello.
You're good housekeepers.
Doing all your laundry?
- I can't make my husband do a thing.
- Docent would make him.
Come on, let's have some tea.
I've brought a pie.
She's the landlord's daughter,
the fence's!
Only she thinks that her papa
is an archeologist.
He snowjobbed her saying that we
were scientists. Keep up this story.
I phoned papa to find out who were you.
He said, archeologists from Tomsk.
So I hurried down, because last year,
when we were in Tomsk,
your professor Zelentsov
gave us a royal welcome.
Isn't the
Джентльмены удачи Джентльмены удачи

Читайте также:
- текст Космические пришельцы на английском
- текст Друзья - Сезон 9 на английском
- текст Эта весёлая планета на английском
- текст Звёздный путь 4: Путешествие домой на английском
- текст Мимолётная фантазия на английском

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