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was forwarded
to Sheremetyev's wife.
Here's her reply
addressed to her husband.
Do you promise you'll come for dinner
at our home New Year's day?
- We'll be there!
It's so sad.
Such a nice girl!
And yet her father
is a speculator.
What's all the noise about?
And why did you leave the house?
Here he is again...
The untrustworthy fellow.
Happy New Year!
Gavrila Petrovich...
A brand new year is beginning,
and I hope
that in this year
everything will be brand new for you!
We can't tell what's in the cards,
but I want you to know that wherever
you are, wherever I am,
I will always remember you, men.
And believe me, I'll find you.
Just a minute... I'll be right back.
Just a second...
- Where's he going?
- The devil only knows...
You can never tell with him.
I know what he meant. He said
he'd find us, and he'd bleed us, too.
- You mean he'll bleed us to death?
- No other way.
Look what they say he did to Pockface!
Took his razor and ''swish''!
- Curtains!
- Nothing but a wild beast, a hyena!
Knock, knock, knock... Who's there?
Santa Claus!
And he's brought you some presents.
- Fedya, come over here.
- What did I do now?
Come here I said.
This is for you.
Something to wear at home.
What good is it to me?
I've got no home.
You will though. Everything will come
in time. They'll be useful in prison.
Anything for a laugh.
For you, Vassia.
Gavrila Petrovich, this is for you.
Thanks very much.
Hey, it's virgin wool!
And there's this, too, for you.
To us. Drink up.
Arrgh! Like acid!
- What a drag not having vodka!
- do you Have to get drunk Like swine?
- What else is there to do?
- tell people the dreams you have.
You sound like a headshrinker
in a courtroom.
We can play indoor games,
ifyou want.
Am I a sucker to play with you?
You play with a stacked deck.
But why poker, comrades?
There're many interesting games.
We can play hide and seek.
I know a good game called ''cities''.
I start and say ''Tula'', then you pick
one that begins with ''A'', Astrakhan.
Then you think ''N'', Novgorod.
You got it?
It's now your turn, Fedya.
- Why me?
- Name a city that starts with ''D''.
- Vorkuta.
- Vorkuta? Why?
- I did time there.
- All right.
- You name a city starting with ''A''.
- Dzhambul.
- Dzhambul? Why Dzhambul?
- Because It's warm there.
There's my home
and my old mama.
All right.
I think I know a better game.
Say I leave and you hide some object
here. I come back and find it.
- All right, Fedya?
- You'd better find the helmet.
- Shut up!
- We'll hide the thing and he'll peek.
Why would I peek? All right,
you leave and hide it somewhere else.
I'll stay here.
And you keep an eye on me.
Why does it have to be me? Anything
goes wrong, you pin it on me.
I'll clobber you!
I'm going to bash your face in!
Clobber, clobber...
- Docent, were you ever a little boy?
- Of course, I was.
- You had a papa and mama?
- Yes.
How can you be so nasty, then?
You're as mean as a mad dog.
Oh, Vassia...
- Got the thing hidden?
- Raspy's hanged himself.
- There's our man.
- You're here too, are you?
I was about to go to yourjoint,
but I smelt a trap.
I could just feel it.
I could feel it down in my bones.
you got to hide me for a while.
Come on.
- Where are we going?
- Go on.
Sorry, doctor,
your ambulance came for nothing.
It's all right. Just give him some
sedative, hot tea and let him sleep.
Thank you.
Does it hurt, Gavrila?
Plenty, Vassia.
Read it again.
Dear papa,
the news that you were in prison
made us very happy,
because we thought
you were dead.
I'd like to know
who was the lousy skunk
that tipped off Raspy's kids
about him?
And mama was happy too,
because when your letter came
she cried all day long.
She used to tell us you were a pilot
who made test flights...
Yeah, test flights out ofthe cooler.
Anyway I'm very glad
you're still alive.
Mama says...
Джентльмены удачи Джентльмены удачи

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- текст Одинокий волк Маккуэйд на английском
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- текст Кодекс молчания на английском
- текст Сказки леса на английском

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