Why? I've got a hundred children each year, and all their mamas, dads, grandmas. All our community have known me for years! And you want me to show myself in Moscow looking like this, with thieves as companions? Speaking about mamas... Early this morning, I dropped by your home and I told your mother the seminar would last 2 weeks longer. At ten o'clock at the cement plant. The driver is our man. - You got clothes? And some cash? - It's all ready. Out in a haystack. I know the place. We'll be caught. It's a plant and you're a sucker. To hell with you! I'm going to take your cut. Yes... - Not exactly comfortable. - It's not a long ride. It'll do. Repeat your orders. Park by the cement mixing yards. When the three ofthem sneak into my tank truck, I drive, without loading cement into it, out to Alibakan. At the crossroads, park and go in the restaurant till the three men come out. Do it! Let's go! - Where are you going? - to the cement depot. - Where's the cement depot? - It's up there. - Where? - Over there! That's not the cement depot, the engine parts are there. Are you crazy? You're out ofyour mind. I saw them load cement there. Have a look! Move out! Follow me! We did it! - Why's he stopping? - Maybe A police check? Go ahead! That's it. It's full up. Close it. You said that we'd be riding an empty tank! - What slime! - Same as in Turkey. Come on! Move it! Hey! Wait! Nikolai Grigorievich, don't you think that it is pointless? - So they made it out through the pipe? - Then tell me where they are! - There's no hay here. - You're telling me! You sure it isn't your memory again playing tricks? - Maybe it's not in a haystack? - I'm going to clobber you! Say, this is high grade cement. You can't wash the stuff off. - Listen, why did you break out? - Everybody was, so I did, too. He'll whack him, or lightning strike me dead! You better tell him, Raspy, that it wasn't part ofthe deal. You tell him himself. Get out of here! Did you hear what I said? Out! Go on! You're a bad man, Crosseyes. You're just mean. He's bound to sell out. You hear, Docent? He'll squeal right away. Okay, we'd better keep him with us. - Stop him! - Hey, you! Come on back. How long were you in for? I got a year. Now you're going to get three more years. For breaking out. Article 188. Docent! Look at that! What do we do? - We'll go dressed like this. - Like this? - They'll pick us up. - We go dressed like this! Let people think we're on a track team. Come on! Clear the track, grandpa! See you at the Olympic games! Salaam aleichem! Yes, what can I do for you? Just a second. - Slavin sends greetings. - But who's Slavin? - Vladimir Slavin. - I don't know him. What d'you want? - They made a reservation for us. - How many ofyou? Three... That is, four... There's one too many. We'll manage somehow. May I see your papers? The coach will bring them tonight. - What club are you running for, guys? - Reserves of Labour. - We have the keys! - It's a habit. What about groceries? Yes, I'm starved. It's chowtime at the camp. Macaroni... You just stay put. I'll be right back. Would you be so kind as to lend me a pair of pants for a few minutes? Our clothes are on the way, but I've got to go out... You want a game of chess? When I come back. Police station. - Lieutenant Slavin? - No one by That name here. - What do you mean? - I mean What I said. - I'm Docent. - Congratulations. - Didn't they tell you I would call? - What about? - Hey, boy, what town is this? - Novokassimsk. - And Alibakan? - Oh, it's a long way. 20 kilometers. - Sit down. - Thank you, I'd rather stand. I'm from Moscow. I'm your colleague. I'm principal of Kindergarten 82. - There're four of us. - All ofyou principals? - In a way... - Well, tell me your problem. You see, a load of cement was poured in a tank truck we were riding in. Our clothes became ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Чёрная Акула на английском - текст Святой Ральф на английском - текст Там, на неведомых дорожках... на английском - текст Малыш и Карлсон на английском - текст Команда мечты на английском |