your horse! - Lay off! Move your horse! We move there. - That is your move? - Sure that's our move. Checkmate! Give me back myjacket. What's the matter with you? Whom are you hitting? My ears! My ears! Comrades! Are you out ofyour minds? Break it up! - Take it off and give it back! - Get stuffed! That'll teach you! Take it off! Disgraceful! Shame on you, comrade! On your feet! lfyou don't want to go back to the can, ifyou want to find the helmet, you've got to quit all your squabbles! No gambling! No drinking! And no stealing... without me! No jargon and no nicknames! We address each other by our names! - Your real name? - Gavrila Petrovich. Fedya. - Ali Baba. - Didn't you hear me? No nicknames! It's my last name! Name - Vassily Alibabayevich, Vassia. Just like the camel's. You call me Yevgeny... I mean, Alexander Sanych. Got that? - Answer me! Everyone got it? - We got you. Sit down! Tonight, after dark, we're going to do a blast. - Is he coming too? - Everybody's coming. He'll sing ifthings get hot. First blast we do, he'll crack. Come here... Come over here, Fedya. Sit down, take this pen, and write down: Wrong number - dash - untrustworthy man. To sing - dash - to betray. Things get hot - dash - work has become dangerous. A blast - dash a dangerous job. You've got that? And now tell Vassia what you said before, only this time the way honest citizens speak. Go on. This untrustworthy man will betray us if our work has become dangerous. Seventy one... - Forty-six. - What? Thirty-two! What is this? Filthy little louse! Alexander Sanych! Gavrila Petrovich called me names using the lingo. No more arguments! - Quiet. - What is it? That Vassily Alibabayevich... That untrustworthy man... dropped his load on my toes, bastard! It's here! The Evils of Drink - Perhaps they've killed him? - Nikolai Georgievich! At 8:20 he left the hotel and led his track team to the stadium. At 9:00 he bought four sweat shirts at the department store. At 9:20 our man approached him. At the moment they're moving at a reduced speed in our direction. Yevgeny Ivanovich! I was afraid that you were dead. I feel so sleepy! - Mind if I cop a nod, Gavrila? - You don't! Here we stand out like three sore thumbs in the bleachers, and you want to wallow in the sun like a sleepy dog. What are you spitting for, Vassia? To think I robbed children. Worse than a jackal or hyena! I stole the kindergarten money! You're getting civilized as hell! On your old job at a gas station you did worse than that, spiking gasoline with camel piss. That was just gas... This was children. - Where are you offto? - to prison. - No, don't do that! - Let him go. He already had one year, escape is three, five for the kindergarten. Go ahead, Vassia. Now read! Sign for it. There's cash for four, for housing and meals... And new clothing. - This is for you. - Thank you. But why for four? Does that Vassily have to tag along? Yes, he has. lfwe arrest him now, it would give the other two cause for suspicion. Your address in Moscow will be 8 Horse Lane. - The apartment? - You'll pick the one you want. The house is going to be torn down. The tenants moved out. - But then it isn't heated! - Right, there's no heat... - And no electricity. - you see? Wouldn't it be better ifthey stay at my country house? I have a house not far from Moscow. Very kind ofyou. Only in neutral territory I will feel a lot safer. - Do they give you 2 years for escape? - They do. I demand that this law should not be applied to my companions. Don't worry about it. Abakan - Moscow One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. He's really laying it on! I guess he really bumped his noggin hard. Hey, Docent, those are some cop clodhoppers you bought! I got 'em from a ragman. Not in a department store. There's a taxi. Go after it. - Hey, buddy, are you free? - Sure I'm free. ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Полицейский из Беверли-Хиллз III на английском - текст 300 Спартанцев на английском - текст Один дома 3 на английском - текст КОАПП на английском - текст Дни юности на английском |