in Kharkoff. He has sent me his new book. It is strange. He refutes the very theories which he defended seven years ago.It is appalling! There is nothing appalling about it. Drink your tea, mamma. - But I want to speak. - We have been speaking for the past 50 years and reading books! It's time to put an end. It seems you never want to listen to what I have to say. Pardon me, Jean, but you have changed so in the last year that I hardly know you. You used to be a man of settled convictions and had an illuminating personality... Oh, yes. I had an illuminating personality,. which illuminated no one.... I had an illuminating personality! You couldn't say anything more biting. Uncle Vanya, how dreary! You speak as if your former convictions were somehow to blame, You have forgotten that a conviction, in itself ... is nothing but a dead letter.. You should have done something. Done something! Not every man is capable of being a writing'perpetuum mobile' like your Herr Professor. - What do you mean by that? Grandma! Uncle Vanya! I entreat you! ... I am silent. I apologise and am silent.. What a fine day! Not too hot. A fine day to hang oneself. - What did the peasants want, nurse? - The same old thing, the same old nonsense. Is the doctor here? Excuse me, sir, but I have been sent to fetch you. - Where are you from? - The factory. Thank you. Damn it, this is annoying. - You must come back to dinner from the factory. - No, It will be too late. Look here, my man, get me a glass of vodka, will you? I should be really delighted if you would come to see me some day. My estate is small, but it is surrounded by forests. I have always heard that you were very fond of the woods. One can do a great deal of good by helping to preserve them, but doesn't it interfere with your real calling? God alone knows what a man's real calling is. - Do you find it interesting? - Yes, very. I suspect that the woods do not interest you as much. I should think you would find them monotonous. Oh ,no, the work is thrilling. Michael Livovich says that they teach mankind to understand beauty that forests are the ornaments of the earth and temper a stern climate and in countries where the climate is milder the people are more kind and gentle The inhabitantsof such countries are handsome, tractable, sensitive, graceful in speech and gesture. Art and science blossom among them. Their philosophy is joyous, their treatment of women is full of exquisite nobility. Bravo, bravo! Allow me, dear friend to go on burning firewood in my stoves and building my sheds of planks. You can burn peat in your stoves. I don't object, of course, to cutting wood from necessity but why destroy the forests? The woods of Russia are trembling under the blows of the axe. Millions of trees have perished. And why? Because men are too lazy and stupid to stoop down and pick up their fuel from the ground. Am I not right, Madame? Who but a stupid barbarian could burn so much beauty in his stove and destroy that which he cannot make? The forests are disappearing, the rivers are running dry,.... the game is exterminated, the climate is spoiled, and the earth becomes poorer and uglier every day. I read irony in your eye, you do not take what I am saying seriously... and-after all, it may very well be nonsense, but when I hear the rustling of the young plantations set out with my own hands, I feel as if I had had some small share in improving the climate. When I plant a little birch tree and then see ... I must be off. Good-bye. Who is here? No, it's hot. I dreamt just now that my left leg belonged to some one else, and it hurt so that I woke. No, I don't believe this is gout, it is more like rheumatism. What time is it? I want you to look for Batushka's works in the library tomorrow. I think we have him. - Why do I find it so hard to breathe? - You are tired; this is the second ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Клуб Парадиз на английском - текст Повинность на английском - текст Четыре на английском - текст Непосредственный мальчуган на английском - текст Осенний марафон на английском |