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Главная / Дон жуан Де Марко

Дон жуан Де Марко

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..l don't know.
I won't know until I have
the meeting with the kid.
Look, Jack,
he's a suicidal patient.
He's not suicidal. lt was a
call for help, ifanything.
You're not suggesting
that we let him go, are you?
No, I'm not suggesting that.
First thing Monday...
we have to get thejudge
over here for a hearing.
Also on Monday...
we'll have to transfer
him to another therapist...
because that's
your last day, Jack. Bill?
You think you're up to it?
lf he's on medication, I could.
He'll be on medication.
All right. I'll give him...
l don't know.
A hundred milligrams
of Mellzac, q.i.d.
And Bill can begin
to decrease it...
once his anxiety lessens about
being attacked by his patients.
Could you tell him to stop?
lf he refuses, do we restrain
him and give it by injection?
I'll get him to take it,
for Christ's sake.
What's the big concern here?
He hasn't been assaultive.
Anyway, I've got to go.
No, no. There's one other
piece of business.
OK! We're ready!
For he's
ajolly good fellow...
For he's
ajolly good fellow...
For he's
ajolly good fellow...
Which nobody can deny!
''Today is the first day
ofthe rest ofyour life.''
Come in !
I am Doсa lnez...
the mother
of Don Juan DeMarco.
May I come in, Don Octavio?
I came as soon as
the archdiocese...
told me
that my son had called them.
What exactly is wrong with him?
Well...l am...
I am very grateful, Sister,
that you've come...
at this strange moment
in time...
because there is so much
crucial information...
that I need in order
to help your son.
How can I help?
For instance, is it a fact
that your son grew up...
with you and your husband
in Mexico in a small town?
San Luis Coatzacoalcos.
lt's not very far from
lzucar de Matamoros.
Have you heard of it?
Well, not many have.
lt's very small.
ln order to help your son...
I have to have some information.
I need to know
about Don Alfonzo...
about his father,
Don Antonio...
and about your relationship
with both ofthem.
I think it would be best...
ifyou would discuss
these matters with my son.
My vows to God
do not allow me to talk...
about certain aspects
of my past.
I don't think, Sister...
that I'm making myselfclear.
I've been to see
your son's grandmother...
and she tells me that
neither you nor your son...
have ever lived in Mexico.
She said that you metTony
in Queens, New York...
and, until recently, she said
she only saw her grandson...
once in her life, when
she was in Phoenix, Arizona.
She also said
thatfive years ago...
that your husband
died in a car crash.
Now, in addition...
I'm sorry, but you
must understand, Sister...
that I need to know the truth.
The truth is
inside you, Don Octavio.
I cannot help you find that.
lsn't she exactly as
l described her, Don Octavio?
Doсa Julia has become a nun
at the same convent.
So it seems.
I told my mother
she could go back today...
but I will miss her.
She really has a way of putting
me in touch with what's real.
Why are you so certain...
that your mother was not having
an affair with Don Alfonzo?
My mother was not
having an affair.
Well, I think
you can understand...
how the thought
might have occurred to me...
when you told me
how your father died.
lt's never been clear
to me what...
what your mother meant
when she cried out...
''l will lose both ofthem !''
Did she mean both
her husband and her son...
or both of her lovers?
My mother...
was not having an affair.
Do you understand
why it's necessary--
Shut up!
You think I don't know...
what's going on with you,
Don Octavio, but I do.
You need me
for a transfusion...
because your own blood
has turned to dust...
and clogged your heart.
Your need for reality...
Your need for a world
where love is flawed...
will choke your veins
until all the life is gone.
My perfect world is no less real
than yours, Don Octavio.
lt is only in my world
that you can breathe, isn't
Дон жуан Де Марко Дон жуан Де Марко

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