would purify me. She herself had determined to take her vows... at the convent of Santa Maria where she is a nun to this day. I was being sentforth like a dove of promise. Ofcourse, what my mother never knew... was that the ship was run by scoundrels. lnstead of Cadiz... they set sail for an obscure Arabian sultanate... where all the passengers were immediately sold into slavery. You were sold into slavery in a sultan's kingdom? That's correct. I was purchased by one offour wives ofa sultan and led off by her eunuch. Though I had no idea why I was made to dress as a female... my mask had been replaced by a mask ofanother sort... and so I supposed I was keeping the vow I made to hide my face. The sultan had a harem of 1 ,500 young women... so the demands he placed on his wives were relatively minor. I was presented to the sultana. I still did not understand why l was required to be in drag. You may rise. And you may go. You may stay. Slowly, l began to develop a theory... why I had been brought to the sultana. But I still loved Doсa Julia. I am sorry. I love another. Undress! Kill me ifyou must. I am prepared to die for I cannot go on living... knowing that I defiled the memory ofthe woman... who brought my manhood alive and made it sing. lt sings? I was prepared to lose my life... rather than debase my love. How could I be unfaithful to my dear Doсa Julia... who had nearly given up her life to love me? How could I sleep with another woman... after giving myself, body and soul... to sweet Doсa Julia? How could I forsake the purity of love... I had with my flower, Doсa Julia? Actually, I was surprised... at how easily the past can be overcome. You know, my friend, until this afternoon... I had always believed that a man could love only one woman. I have been badly misled. lt is absolutely incredible to mejust a few hours ago... Doсa Julia was the only woman who existed... and now... now there is the magnificent Sultana Gulbeyaz. What a glorious body, breasts-- Will you please shut up? Suddenly I was struck by he danger of my situation. I prayed they had found a place to hide me... where I wouldn't be discovered by the sultan. As fortune would have it... their solution was a brilliant one. lt was God's canvas in all its natural beauty. For the next two years, my days were spent with the sultana. And your nights? Were spent with the 1 ,500 men ofthe sultan's harem. Come. Come to me, my little cockatoo. At the end oftwo years... I noticed that I didn't have the same enthusiasm as before. This could be a problem. You may rise, my little dove. Oh, well. All good things must come to an end. Gulbeyaz, sensing the danger to us both... arranged for me to depart within the hour. I had learned to love in a thousand ways... each one a lesson in the soul ofa woman. I knew I would miss every one ofthem. They'd stolen my spirit and infused me with joy... like a May day breaking. I would... I would like to hear this in complete detail... but there's something that I must do now. So I was wondering ifwe could continue this tomorrow? Ofcourse. Good. Thank you. Hasta maсana. You're home early. How would you feel about coming upstairs? OK. Go. OK. Wait a sec. Over here now. What happened? You're no good at all. I am too good. l got three. Look. -Well... -When is it my turn? You gotfive. I know. Well, you're better than me. Did you get it? Last but not least, the moment we've all been waiting for... Don Juan DeMarco. ln respect to that, l want to say that... I've got a meeting with the kid later on today.... and I think it might very well be the definitive meeting. Jack, this isn't a treatment conference. This is a disposition conference. We have to know what to do with this kid on Monday... when his 10-day paper expires. Do we ask thejudge to commit him? Do we let him go? What? l.
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