lt's time to put the kid on meds, Jack. You want to drive this kid nuts? Fill him full of antipsychotic chemicals... and in 48 hours, you're going to have a nut case... you are not ever going to forget for the rest ofyour life. Jack, he is a schizophrenic. He is not Don Juan. How do you know he's not Don Juan? I've been with the kid. I know. Has he ever told you, Jack, in any of his sessions... that he's been living with his grandmother in Queens? Has he ever told you? I haven't got any details like that. I got a call about an hour ago from the department. Now, please, Jack... put the boy on medication. Paul, you don't understand. Please! Take it easy. He is your patient. You gotfive days. I am pissed offat you. And don'tforget we're barbecuing Saturday. Really pissed off. -Mrs. DeMarco? -Hello? Yes. This is Dr. Mickler. Remember? We spoke on the phone about your grandson. Doсa Ana... she's all he talks about. He waits for the mailman like he's delivering cannoli. See, the boy's convinced he's found his one true love. He's worse than his father, Tony. Tony, the Dance King ofAstoria. This is his father? He won a prize for dancing? Well, you never heard of him? Did his father sell pharmaceuticals? Tony? Tony couldn't sell a boat to a drowning man. No. He worked for a dry cleaning concern. He did drapes and sofas. His father still alive? Didn'tJohnny tell you anything? Tony died in a terrible car crash. -lt was five years ago. -ln Mexico. ln Phoenix. -They never lived in Mexico? -Never. -Where is his mother now? -l couldn't tell you. We were never what you might call close. How often did you see your grandson... when he was growing up? Only once. Johnny was six. Do you mean that that's the only time... you saw Johnny in your entire life? Up till three months ago. l...l opened the door... and there was Zorro. I just seen your grandmother... and she's got the bizarre impression... that your name is John Arnold DeMarco... that you grew up in Phoenix, Arizona... and that your father died in a car crash. lnteresting fantasy. But I suppose if it makes her happy... it is harmless enough. She told me your father worked in a dry cleaning establishment. You want me to tell you some story like my grandmother's... so you will think I am sane. lfthat is what it takes to get out ofthis place... I will be happy to do it. But there is a rumor... that you are supposed to be a psychiatrist. I've heard that rumor, too. Can't you tell when you meet a woman who's completely insane? Are you saying that your grandmother made this up? ln so many words, yes. She hated my mother, but it's not unusual... because my grandmother hated everybody. So we stayed as far away from her as possible. ln Phoenix, Arizona. ln Mexico. You mean you never lived in Phoenix, Arizona? No, I never lived in Phoenix, Arizona. What about your father's death? I have told you how my father died, Don Octavio. Her name is Chel-- I'm not going to take it away. I just want to point out her name is Chelsea Stoker. They never use their real names. She is really my Doсa Ana. She's trying to teach me a lesson. You know, l... I once treated a young man about your age. And he fell in love, oddly enough... with a girl on a poster... and he was very insecure about women. And... he tried to contact her. He must have called the magazine a hundred times... till finally, somebody at the magazine... took pity on him and gave him her number. So he called her... and they had a one-minute conversation... and she let him know... she never wanted to speak to him again. And then what happened? He tried to kill himself is what happened. Doсa Ana is real, Don Octavio. Would you like to hear about her? I suppose so. Shortly after the death of my father... my mother decided it would be best to send me to Cadiz... as though a voyage at sea
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