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Главная / Дон жуан Де Марко

Дон жуан Де Марко

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-No, Jack.
May I assume that
the upshot ofall this...
is that you will not be easing
gracefully into retirement?
Goddamn right, baby.
What am I going
to retire from, life?
Listen. We haven't started yet.
This is a 1 2-rounder,
and this is the third round...
and you and I are going to go
out of here like Halley's comet.
Listen to me. What is going on?
You've been funny lately.
I don't know.
Come on. You got to tell me.
lt's no secret. I don't know.
I've been feeling...
I've been treating
this kid lately.
He thinks he's Don Juan,
and he's got a costume...
and he's got a sword
and a mask and...
So who is he really?
I don't know...
but he's...
he's getting to me.
Goddamn, you're
a great broad, really.
I know.
This is going to be a good one.
-Oh, Jesus. Not there, honey.
-Wait. I'm sorry.
What is that, your hair comb?
I'm on my hair clasp.
lt's got teeth !
I don't want to be injured here.
At every instant,
we fell into each other's arms.
Time stopped
for those four months.
There was
neither day nor night...
just my love and hers.
As for Don Alfonzo,
he spent so much time away...
handling the details
of his trading business...
that I was practically able
to live in Doсa Julia's house.
I truly believed I had found
everlasting paradise...
until one night.
My sweet bird !
Where is he?
Where have you hidden him?
For God sakes, Don Alfonzo.
What sort ofdrunken fit
has seized you?
How dare you suspect me?
Me, who the thought of
infidelity would surely kill.
Search and search and search.
Heap insult on insult...
you ungrateful,
perjurious, barbarous man !
Are you quite satisfied now?
I will kill this man.
My sword.
Where's my sword?
He's going to kill me.
He's going to kill me.
Quick. Go out the garden gate.
I will kill you !
Don Juan !
I will kill you !
lt was the last I was able
to see of my tutor...
the lovely Doсa Julia.
ln great remorse,
she left that night...
and was never
to be heard ofagain.
Don Alfonzo was humiliated...
that he had been cuckolded
by a 16-year-old boy...
so to retaliate,
he announced publicly...
that he and my mother had been
having an affair for many years.
lt was, ofcourse,
a bald-faced and terrible lie.
My father was quick
to defend my mother's virtue.
I have no doubt my father
would have easily prevailed...
were it not
for one fatal mistake.
He looked up
at my mother's eyes...
and it was too late.
Oh, God ! I will lose them both !
You have killed my father.
Now you must kill me.
Forgive me, Father.
Ofcourse I forgive you.
You are my son.
And so it was that my father...
the great swordsman
Don Antonio...
died in my mother's arms...
as our tears fell upon him.
That evening,
to hide my shame forever...
I placed a mask upon my face...
And vowed never to remove it
in the presence ofanother.
My father left me too soon,
Don Octavio.
I never had the chance...
Hi. You Dr. Mickler?
-That's right.
-Sign here.
OK. Would you just
hold thatfor a sec?
Hello, dear.
So, Jack...
what's the occasion?
Excuse me, ma'am.
You're the occasion.
No, really, Jack.
Are you sure there's no...
Oh, wow.
Excuse me, ma'am.
Buenos dias, el capitan.
Where's Rocco?
He has moved to Madrid.
Then he feels so guilty,
so overcome with shame...
that he puts on this mask...
and he vows never
to take his mask offagain...
as long as he lives.
Now, is that
a perfect myth or not?
lt's wonderful.
lt's a wonderful story.
You know, Jack,
this kid is remarkable.
You're right.
lt's like a Greek myth.
lt's exactly like a Greek myth.
The son becomes potent,
sexually active...
leads to the destruction
of his father...
who he replaces,
as, ofcourse, he must...
he must someday
to become a man.
But the guilt
of replacing the man...
who loves him and gave
him life, it's too great.
lt's enormous.
So he must hide it
by wearing a mask.
Дон жуан Де Марко Дон жуан Де Марко

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