.. until it overwhelms everything else... and then they cannot avoid their desire... to release that beauty and envelop me in it. So to answer your question, l see as clear as day... that this great edifice in which we find ourselves... is your villa. lt is your home. And as for you, Don Octavio del Flores... you are a great lover like myself... even though you may have lost your way... and your accent. Shall I continue? Very well. Back to Mexico. My mother, God bless her... does not give up easily. When I was 16, she made one last attempt... to instill Christian values in me by finding me a tutor. My mother'sjudgment left something to be desired. Doсa Julia was 23 and married... the faithful and devoted wife of Don Alfonzo, a man of50. lt was no secret that Doсa Julia... would have been much better served by two men of 25. ''Glorify God in your body... ''and in your spirit... ''which...are God's.'' My feelings consumed me day and night. I felt within me a torment... a burning wound, a yearning... combined with the most indescribable bliss. But what was it? And you had no idea what it was? Well, I had an idea, but... Nothing definite. My father, understanding manhood was nearly upon me... began to teach me how to use my sword. There was a lot ofsword fighting... going on when you were growing up? Well, it was a small and isolated town... that resisted modern technology. Advance. Lunge. I noticed that the smile on Doсa Julia's face was gone... replaced by a sadness even sweeter than the smile. I sensed that Doсa Julia was having a struggle within her... and my own situation was becoming no less difficult. I could only think of Doсa Julia. To keep myselffrom going mad... I turned into a metaphysician. I considered the meaning oftruth... of being... and God. I thought ofthe timetable for the sun's demise... and then I thought of Doсa Julia's eyes. I never will consent. I never will consent. I never will cons-- But somehow, she consented. She did. Then suddenly, l was hit with a revelation... the way a woman's body is made... the way a man's body responds to it... the fire burning in my loins... the intense desire to merge as one... it all came together in one brilliantflash. There are only four questions ofvalue in life, Don Octavio. What is sacred? Ofwhat is the spirit made? What is worth living for? And what is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same. Only love. Doсa Julia was my first love. Well... I see our time is up. The mask? Obsessive compulsive disorder... with erotomatic features. Confirm delusional disorder. Confirm depression with obsessional features. Possible hysterical personality. I take it you want to go upstairs. What gives you that idea? Why are you listening to opera? You hate opera. You have very, very beautiful eyes. Come here. Well, you know, l have to go upstairs and... I'm going to take my calcium... so my bones don't break into little pieces... my aspirin, so my heart doesn't clog up... my Metamucil, so I don't get colon cancer... and, ofcourse, my estrogen... to convince my body that I'm still 23. Come here. What the hell you doing in there? Rain check? I've been thinking about our adolescence. You know, there isn't any transitional battleground... left for us anymore. I justfeel as though we surrendered our lives to... the momentum of mediocrity. I mean, what happened to all the celestial fire... that used to light our way? Oh, Jack, no. Listen, honey. You know all those fires are a lot oftrouble. They caused a lot oftrouble. Fires are hard to control. They flare up. They burn a lot ofenergy and then they suddenly die. I want to tell you something. That's bullshit. No, it's not. No, it's not bullshit. A good, steady, warm glow... you know, that does the trick over the long run. No fire, no heat. No heat, no life. -That's the
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