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Главная / Дон жуан Де Марко

Дон жуан Де Марко

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11  
with the bright rays
lighting her hair...
she was a vision so beautiful...
that atfirst my father
could not believe his eyes.
lt was love atfirst sight.
They held each other
in the moonlight...
kissing and touching,
dancing until morning.
I thought you said your mother
was standing in the sunlight.
That's my father's story.
My mother says it was at night.
They were married the next week.
My father took the name
Don Antonio...
and became el patron,
running the coffee plantation.
Their love
was like a perfect prayer.
Even God could not deny it.
I was born
exactly nine months later.
So I said to him ''Let mejust
see if I understand this.
''You have been exploring
our car for six days now...
''and you still have
absolutely no idea...
''what's wrong with it...
''why the radiator keeps
running out offluid?
''So this means
we get the car back...
''just as broken as when
we brought it in...
''except now you want
us to pay you $430...
''for the time it took you
not to figure out what's wrong.''
Know what he said to me?
Said, ''We can keep looking,
ifyou want, Mrs. Mickler...
''but it's $65 an hour.''
Well, pay it.
Pay it?
Where were you just now?
El Mexico.
Jack, I was looking for you.
-A little springtime.
-This is for me?
-You're giving me tulips?
-Grace. I'm sorry.
-Jack, why are you giving me tulips?
-l want to talk to you.
What's the occasion
for the tulips?
This kid is fantastico.
I'm glad he's meeting
your expectations.
There's something
l want to discuss with you.
Let me tell you what
he did this morning.
Please, wait!
When do you intend to start
Don Juan on medication?
He's been here two days.
You do intend
to give him medication?
Well, I don't know.
He's a delusional patient.
lf I give him medication...
I'm never going to get
into this world that he's in...
and it's a wonderful world.
OK. No meds. Temporarily.
-Thank you.
-lfyou do one thing for me.
What's that?
Right now, Don Juan is having
a distracting influence...
on the female staff
up in his unit.
Officially, in his hacienda...
there are more nurses
on Valium than patients.
-Could you do something about that?
I took care of it, my dear man.
Hey, man,
it's time for your shrink.
Who are you?
I'm your new nurse,
Mr. Compton...
but you can call me Rocco,
I am not Casanova.
l am Don Juan.
Yeah, right. Come on, man.
Come in.
Doc, Don Juan.
Hi, Rocco. Thank you.
Well, got a real treat
for you today.
Here are her nipples...
and here's her pubis.
Her lover...
is kissing the contours
of her bottom...
just where itfolds
onto her upper thighs.
Why don't we move on
to something else?
What do you have in mind?
Why don't we talk
about who I am?
-Yes. I know who you are.
-Who am l?
You're Don Octavio del Flores
the uncle of Don Francisco da Silva.
And where are we here?
I haven't seen a deed, but
l assume this villa is yours.
What would you say
to someone that...
said to you, ''This is
a psychiatric hospital.''
And that
you're a patient here...
and that
l am your psychiatrist?
I would say that
he has a rather limited...
and uncreative way of
looking at the situation.
You want to know if I understand
that this is a mental hospital.
Yes, I understand that.
But then how can I say
that you are Don Octavio...
and I am a guest
at your villa, correct?
By seeing beyond
what is visible to the eye.
Now, there are those who do not
share my perceptions, it's true.
When I say that all my women...
are dazzling beauties,
they object.
The nose ofthis one
is too large.
The hips ofanother,
they are too wide perhaps.
The breasts ofa third,
they are too small.
But I see these women
for how they truly are...
radiant, spectacular,
and perfect...
because I am not limited
by my eyesight.
Women react to me the way
that they do, Don Octavio...
because they sense I search out
the beauty within them.
Дон жуан Де Марко Дон жуан Де Марко

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