like so much to hear about her. Have you never met a woman who inspires you to love... until your every sense is filled with her? You inhale her... you taste her... you see your unborn children in her eyes... and know that your heart has at lastfound a home. Your life begins with her... and without her, it must surely end. I have no doubt that losing a love like this... can be very painful... but why lose hope along with life? Why lose everything? You must notforget, my friend... that the power ofyour love... the power of love of Don Juan is eternal... and will not be denied. I apologize... for this unmanly display, Don Octavio. Please. I accept. Bravo. Morning, Doc! White male, age 21 ... brought in on a 10-day paper after suicidal gesture. Apparently precipitated by a breakup ofa relationship... and the patient indicates... no previous history of suicides... no record of any prior hospitalization. There's no record ofanything... school, jail, mother, father, parents, nothing. And this kid is...bizzako... and is severely delusional... and believes he's somebody else. -Anybody we know? -Name is Don Juan. -I'm working nights again. -All right. I'm not kidding you. Let's settle down now and-- I'm always the bad boy in these. Who wants him? I do. -Wait a minute. -Don't be exasperated. Wait a minute. Are you not retiring? Of course I'm retiring, but this is a hell of a swan song. Sounds like a long-term case the way you described it. I'll give it to Bill. Do you have time? Wait. Hold on one second. I'd like to discuss this in some detail. Can we talk about it later? I look forward to it. I want this kid. Be reasonable. -You're leaving in 10 days. -So's the kid. A delusional patient does not get cured in a week and a half. The instant his 10-day paper expires, he'll be committed. Then we'll have to transfer him to Bill. lf this was a year ago, and l said I could get this kid... out of here in 10 days, there wouldn't be any doubt. That's probably true. So that's not the reason you're giving him to Bill. You've been doing it by the numbers for months now. You know it. You're burnt out. That's why you asked for early retirement. You don't need more time to travel with Marilyn. Don't make my life harder for me than it has to be. How long have I known you? Twenty-five years we've been going around like this. And during that time, you're the best damn clinician... this place has ever seen. Everybody knows that. But now it's time to get away. Where are you going? The pyramids? lt's wonderful. All that sand, the sky, those vistas. You'll have a wonderful time. I wish you could see your face. I'm giving him to Bill. This kid'll do a flamenco number on BilI's head... until it looks like a tortilla... and it's going to be on your watch. Would you like to talk about... why you attempted to kill yourself?. You want Don Juan DeMarco, the world's greatest lover... to talk to you? What do you know ofgreat love? Have you ever loved a woman... until milk leaked from her... as though she had just given birth to love itself... and now mustfeed it or burst? Have you ever tasted a woman... until she believed that she could be satisfied... only by consuming the tongue that had devoured her? Have you ever loved a woman so completely... that the sound ofyour voice in her ear... could cause her body to shudder... and explode with such intense pleasure... that only weeping could bring her full release? Where is Don Octavio del Flores? Who? My host at this villa. Via? Oh, villa. Sн, villa. Where is Don Octavio? You mean Dr. Mickler? Who? Why do you think that Dr. Mickler... is Don Octavio del Flores? Why do you think Don Octavio del Flores... is Dr. Mickler? Hello there, Willy. How are you? -Don Octavio del Flores. -At your service. You told him that you were Don Octavio del Flores? You told a
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