it? lsn't it? You're right. world is... Not perfect. What is this thing that happens with age? Why does everyone want to pervert love... and suck it bone-dry ofall its glory? Why do you bother to call it love anymore? This will be our... our last session. I'm retiring on Monday. Then I will tell you about Doсa Ana... and you will decide if I should be setfree. On the second day after I left the sultana... our ship was caught in a typhoon. I alone survived. After days drifting at sea... I found myself on the island of Eros. She was 1 7... and Nature's bride... fresh and fair... and unacquainted with the miracle of physical love. Her beauty was not made ofshapes and forms... but shined from within like a star. There are those who do not believe... that a single soul, born in Heaven... can split into twin spirits... and shoot like falling stars to Earth... where over oceans and continents... their magnetic forces will finally unite them... back into one. But how else to explain love atfirst sight? We were convinced that there was... no other life beneath the sky but ours. We believed that we would never die. You must promise me... that we will be together for all time... That we will live here on this beach...always. And that should circumstance ever separate us... lt is here we will come... to wait all eternity... for the other to return. I love you. Promise me. I promise. One day... l asked her to be mine. I love you too much. But I cannot love you any less. lt's of no great consequence, but... will you be wearing your mask throughout our lives together? I have sworn to do so. Then I ask only that you tell me... what has led you to make such a vow. I related the sad tale of my Doсa Julia... never guessing for a moment... that my sweet Doсa Ana believed l had saved myselffor her... as she had for me. Very well, my love. I will accept that I am not the first... ifyou will tell me with the same honesty... how many others there have been. This would have been a very good time for me to lie... but truth is a terrible habit. lncluding you... there have been... Exactly... One... thousand five hundred and two. I could see that this was a sum substantially greater... than the one she had in mind... and not easy for her to assimilate, try as she might. As her pain struck at my heart like a dagger... I begged to be forgiven. I removed my mask as a gesture of remorse... but it was to no avail. To hide her humiliation... she took up the mask and left me forever. And so my adventures came to an end... and with them, the chance that one day... like my father... I would die in the arms ofthe woman I loved. Who am l? Sit down. You... are Don Juan DeMarco... the greatest lover the world has ever known. And you, my friend... who are you? Who am l? I am Don Octavio del Flores... married to the beautiful... Doсa Lucita... the light of my life. And you, my friend... You have seen through all of my masks. Here's your water, Doctor. Thank you. You said that you believed, Don Octavio. I believe that you are Don Juan... but there are a lot of people that don't. Then I will do as you ask, my friend. ЎVamos! You're retiring on Monday. What are we going to do? We're going to get airborne, kid, I'll tell you that. I'm trying to tell you something. l like it here. I like my garden. We need to be a flight ofeagles. I don't see myself in that picture. What's the matter with you? What are you talking about? -l don't know. -l need to find out who you are. Jack, you know who I am. Who's brought you coffee for the last 32 years? Listen, I know a lot about dirty coffee cups... and I know a lot offacts, but l need to know all about you. What do you want to know? I want to know... what your hopes... and your dreams are that got lost along the way... when I was thinking about myself.
------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Без пощады на английском - текст Чернокнижник III: Конец невинности на английском - текст Муми-тролль и комета: Путь домой на английском - текст За двумя зайцами на английском - текст Токийский хор на английском |