My name is Don Juan DeMarco. I am the son ofthe great swordsman... Antonio Garibaldi DeMarco who was tragically killed... defending the honor of my mother... the beautiful Doсa lnez Santiago y San Martine. I am the world's greatest lover. I have made love to over a thousand women. I was 21 lastTuesday. -Good evening, sir. -Good evening, Nicholas. No woman has ever left my arms unsatisfied. Only one has rejected me, and as fortune would have it... she is the only one who has ever mattered. This is why, at 21 , I have determined to end my life. Butfirst... one final conquest. May l? Actually, I'm expecting a friend. He's been delayed, but he should be here soon. I will not linger. I am Don Juan. That's very funny. ls there a costume party at the hotel? No, I am Don Juan... directly descended from the noble Spanish family. And you seduce women. I never take advantage of a woman. I give women pleasure... if they desire it. lt is the greatest pleasure they will ever experience. There are some women... fine-featured... a certain texture to their hair... a curve to the ears... that sweeps like the turn of a shell. These women have fingers... with the same sensitivities as their legs. The fingertips have the same feelings as their feet. And when you touch their knuckles... it is like passing your hands around their knees... and this tender, fleshy part ofthe finger... is the same as brushing your hands around their thighs. And, finally... Every woman is a mystery to be solved... but a woman hides nothing from a true lover. Her skin color can tell us how to proceed. A hue like the blush ofa rose, pink and pale... and she must be coaxed to open her petals... with a warmth like the sun. The pale and dappled skin ofa redhead... calls for the lust of a wave crashing to the shore... so we may stir up what lies beneath... and bring the foamy delight of love to the surface. Although there is no metaphor... that truly describes making love to a woman... the closest is playing a rare musical instrument. I wonder... does a Stradivarius violin... feel the same rapture as the violinist... when he coaxes a single perfect note from its heart? Muchas gracias, seсorita. Every true lover knows... that the moment of greatest satisfaction... comes when ecstasy is long over... and he beholds before him the flower... which has blossomed beneath his touch. Sorry I'm late, honey. lt was unavoidable. I hope you went ahead without me. Oh, well. Now I must die. -Hey. -Evening, Jack. How you doing? You're putting on a little weight here. You know... you and me been going to the same bakery. Sorry to do this to you... but this is a job that only Supershrink can handle. He's ajumper to be reckoned with, I'm telling you. What's the costume? He's Don Juan. He wishes to end his life gloriously. He wants us to send our finest swordsman... to do battle with him... preferably Don Francisco da Silva. Did he actually say this? I was up there. I tell you. How do you get in this? Over here. Are you sure this is how Freud started? What do I know? I'm just the dumb cop. You're the shrink. Where is Don Francisco da Silva? l will fight none other. -Where is he? -Don Francisco da Silva... left for Mallorca on this weekend... but I am his uncle Don Octavio del Flores. This will not do. I must die at the hands of Don Francisco. I am Don Juan DeMarco. You are the Don Juan? This is correct. Why, with so many successes... does the great Don Juan wish to end his life? Because there is nothing left to live for. Do you mean to say there is nothing at all? Not when my Doсa Ana is everything. Her name is Doсa Ana. Now you understand why I must die. I ask only that it be at the hands of Don Francisco... so it may be said I died in glory from a worthy opponent. This young woman, Doсa Ana, must be very special. I would
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