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value most in children?
¬ Exactly. And what else?
¬ Do not leave anything on the plate.
¬ nap.
Browse ¬ feed the rabbits.
Good. Then the most talented
make a parade of masks.
Who makes games
prestidigitation has talent?
Then apъnteme.
I will flying queens.
Well. But without a cap.
You can do conjuring tricks,
artistic pyramid,
pantomimes ... Continued.
¬ Is he coming?
¬ Yes
In addition comes the companion Mitrofanov.
¬ Also will my dad.
¬ Well, come. You know the rule?
You do not know.
Okay, guys.
What is the rule?
¬ Three, four!
¬ Where as I am deaf and mute.
Silence. Naptime.
For others,
but not for us.
Come on.
Meted the meatballs in the box.
What have you been there?
Look here.
Do not torture the birds.
It's wrong.
Strong! We will finish
with all the germs.
No bromeйis.
Until improperly disinfected
clothes, are not protected.
But just do not fade?
Which is more important,
health or beauty?
We've already treated with formalin
and chlorine.
And rubbed with pumice.
And we have heated
with the welder.
6 years ago that lead
from one colony to another.
What novelty is this?
I gave permission to the quartet
to skip the nap.
It is best to rehearse.
They knock on the walking.
What are you doing here?
Get out!
Come on.
What are you reading?
¬ Chekhov.
¬ Why?
¬ It makes me laugh.
¬ You laugh too.
You should read the magazine
Colony instructor.
Here is the queen of the fields.
Welcome, ear!
¬ You got the cake?
¬ Yes
¬ Have you received by mail?
¬ Yes
What things have! Like children.
Roommate Dynнn,
note that the pulses
are very popular.
It might be better to reward the sheath.
Always the same clothes.
Then do not look.
Because children can not be
made the costumes themselves?
Tail would be sufficient
and tissue paper.
Should feel proud
to be poorer than others.
Better would be to decide
Who will be the queen of the fields.
You know who:
the Mitrofanova.
Worst of all is that tomorrow
is the day parents.
Our parents are
vacationing in the Black Sea.
To sleep!
Inockin come grandmother
and say:
"Where is my grandchild?
Is he sick? "
But his grandson is not.
Who knows what will happen.
We had to stop the party.
You can not.
We could do something else.
Since it is Father's Day,
would have to admit only parents.
We already have proposed.
So will not the world,
uncles, aunts, grandparents ...
There is no other solution.
Maybe ... Yes!
An epidemic!
¬ Which?
¬ nettles.
I have been me.
I hear someone breathing.
¬ Where?
¬ No one.
Here. I heard a breath.
Mitrofanova! The niece
a very important person
is placed on the head
the tower of Babel?
Are you waiting for?
Maybe pass through
Take it off.
¬ pants.
¬ No.
What did you think? Come on.
I happen not to push.
Now you!
Come on, guys!
Very interesting.
Stop. Perfect.
Guys, come here.
No one.
Mitrofanova has gone inside.
He has seen it all.
It's the same. Come on.
Here are the parents
and children.
It would be best to sit on the grass;
be more comfortable.
¬ thought.
¬ Where I put it?
The crocodile.
I see.
This will be the area attractions.
¬ And the sack race?
¬ From trash to the post.
¬ You will be responsible.
¬ do not we do something new?
We always do the same things.
We may release balloons, throwing rings.
Take bowling loop.
¬ thought.
¬ Where I put it?
So, here we will launch the balloons,
Hence the rings game
and here the loop bowling.
What are you doing here?
Get out!
Let's get to work.
¬ Lee.
¬ Why me?
I said I read it.
Preparation of the parade of masks.
The director
What accounts?
¬ is deleted.
¬ Let me see.
The paper is very worn.
The instructions are old,
but remain valid.
Добро пожаловать, или Посторонним вход воспрещён Добро пожаловать, или Посторонним вход воспрещён

Читайте также:
- текст Зачарованная на английском
- текст Отныне и во веки веков на английском
- текст Бригада на английском
- текст Патруль времени на английском
- текст Мы - не ангелы на английском

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