Adam and Eve. Pensioner as an old mare. Left, left, left. ¬ Where I put it? ¬ Wait. EXAMPLE ARE THE PIONEERS OF JOY ¬ Where I put it? ¬ In the scenario. What use these things from fans? ¬ It Mayakovsky. ¬ I know. Which manuals Mayakovsky appears? Furthermore, "Adam and Eve" is not a suitable topic. ¬ Why? ¬ not going well. Know by heart the poem "Our colony"? ¬ We know. ¬ Bravo. ¬ Want to see the pyramid? Let ¬. ¬ Ready. ¬ What do you want? ¬ The cake is not already. ¬ Now go. Forward. One Two. Three. ¬ What are you? ¬ Expressive. Follow. Forward. The colony is our great family. Continue. We are strong. We are happy. Stop, stop. Strengths you must say harder. ¬ Alegres, how you ought to say? ¬ With more joy. You understand. Continue in this manner. Go to your site. Started. The colony is our great family. We are strong. We are happy. We're all friends. ¬ Judas! ¬ I was pushed into the nettles. What? Follow. Start the day with morning gymnastics. They give us a tasty meal. We take all the soup, the memestra cabbage and bread. You lose weight, he says. Levanta. Up. Have you had to eat too. Now I will let him get up! Do not abuse! Do not allow it. It must be dealt with gently. What are you doing here? Get out. Good. What now? We must awaken. ¬ Wake up! ¬ So kill him. Take it! We are strong. We are happy. Go to the bursar and tell that comes with the key. ¬ I can not. ¬ Why? I dislocated my foot. Then, you go. ¬ I can not. ¬ Why? I have tonsillitis. What's going on? I do not like anything. Valjean, we must talk seriously. More than 120 grams plus 80 grams, more than 40 grams, plus 5 grams. The total weight of group has increased by 865 grams. Thus, almost exceed 1000 Time to acabr. This is a good diet. ¬ Third group: Andronov. ¬ Wait. Personal service ... Inockin. ¬ Continued. ¬ Andronov, 0 grams. Borodin, -8 grams. ¬ Garbusov, -50 grams. ¬ much less? Less 50. Roommate Dynнn. I must tell you something important. Inockin Again, sure. Sit. You better worry what happens in your group. All have gained weight, unless yours. As they came, they will go. The other boys have increased between 100 and 150 grams per day. ¬ much, Sarafudinov? ¬ Less 3 grams. Even Sarafudinov! You know why? Sit. You see the letters? In your group will play the deck. And not just children. Also girls. ¬ Mitrofanova. Less ¬ 100. Less than 100 grams! Watch this. His head is a tower of Babel. They get into the nettles. They take the dining meatballs. Perhaps prepare a leak or something like that. Well, never mind. What is it, Val? Maybe it's personal. What? Inockin is in the colony. Now he is watching the movie. Siencio! Silence I say! Dynнn mate! Where are the 3s? Let me pass. Please. Beware protest! Operator, for the film. Give light. Sit, sit. What are you looking for? Nothing. ¬ They kill in the end? ¬ They kill, they kill. Operator continues! I'm going home. Tomorrow will Grandma and will know everything. ¬ Do not go anywhere. ¬ Eat. The soup will give you strength. It takes two days without eating first course. ¬ Neither first nor second. ¬ Not third. ¬ Have you talked to him? ¬ It's useless. It's useless. I say, "Where did you wear?" And he said: "Wait." ¬ Where we hide? ¬ Wait. We could try to talk to him. If you love kids ... I will end my turn and then talk with him without a word. Either he or I! I know! ¬ meet some of the people? ¬ Yes ¬ You can trust him? ¬ Yes Who is here? You, Vasja? And economic, too! Okay. What are you doing here? ¬ Dinner. ¬ What? Picabo a bit. You have chosen the place and the right time. Tomorrow I want all sober. Then we talked. Kids! Kostja! Kostja! Konstantin! Every day we live better and happier. Now we will interpret a song dedicated to the astronauts. No, no. We've saved a place in the front row. The guys ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Дикая охота короля Стаха на английском - текст Автора! Автора! на английском - текст Как зелена была моя долина на английском - текст Пираты XX века на английском - текст А зори здесь тихие на английском |