don't move. I want to Iook at the outIine of your body. Does this frighten you? Yes. Does it excite you? Yes. It does me too. Is he supposed to be dead or asIeep? I think he's sIeeping. I Iike to think of him sIeeping. It's by Matthew Farnsworth. And nobody's ever heard of him, I know. But we're about to have a show of his work at the gaIIery. Very soon. I think he's a IoveIy artist. How about it? How do you feeI? It just doesn't. . . . I don't know how to say it. It just doesn't. . . . Do you Iike it? Great. I think he's dying to get out. Thank you, very much. Come back and see us. Excuse me. Okay, boys. -You smeII good. -Thanks. It's nice. May I sit down? Of course. Make yourseIf at home. Some chair. You have a Iot of TVs. My uncIe died watching TV. He was a fanatic about sports. I mean, any sports. He had three TVs and a radio. He used to run from room to room just so he wouIdn't miss anything. He died of a heart attack. '7 6 OIympics. I've come cIose to a heart attack myseIf watching these things. I used to Iive in hoteIs before I Iived here. I do Iike to cook. -You Iike to cook. -Love to cook. I bought this for you. Why don't you just hand it to me? I Iike to watch you move. Okay. Open it. God. It's beautifuI. I Iove it. Do you know they used to hypnotize peopIe with the sound of ticking? You know that? Let me hear it. I hear it. Can I ask you a question? Okay. It is beautifuI. What? EIizabeth. . . . . .each day at 1 2:00. . . . . .wouId you Iook at that watch and think of me touching you? Yes. WouId you do that for me? Yes. Liz? SincIair's on the phone. Who? I don't beIieve she said that. God, what does he want? I don't know. I think it's about Farnsworth. -Here. -No kidding. HeIIo? Sure, I'II hoId. Such a jerk. I think I've been hypnotized. A diet doctor tried it on me once. I gained 1 0 pounds. I can't concentrate. I sprayed LysoI under my arms this morning. You brush your teeth with Ben Gay? Shaving cream. Oh, you're aII right. Listen. . . . . .your ex caIIed. He wants to have dinner tonight. Don't forget. No, I can't. Why not? Lizzy, I think you shouId. He seems so sad IateIy. You go. You go in my pIace. I don't think I'm his type. Can I borrow your body? HeIIo. MoIIy. MoIIy. -There's a man on the premises. -Terrific. Great. Go to it. Are these yours? Yes. It's nice. Come here. I don't beIieve this. I'm starving. Are you hungry? Come on. Don't move. Stay right there. I want you to cIose your eyes. . . . . .and I want you to sIide on the fIoor. Just Iie down on the fIoor. Come on. Go ahead. CIose your eyes. Don't peek. I didn't. Promise to keep your eyes cIosed? A big one. Promise to keep your eyes cIosed, pIease. Stick out your tongue. Further. Further. Further. Right. Yeah. I'II put it right on the spot. Yeah. Oh, that's nice. I shouId have said no. No, no, no. I shouId have said no. I wouId have if I couId have. . . . . .but I couIdn't. So I didn't. Are you taIking to me? Listen, Lizzy. . . . . .you remember when you. . . . . .suggested that I keep your date with your ex? WeII. . . . . .I did. And the thing is, I couIdn't say no. I. . . . . .sIept with him. With Bruce? My Bruce? I thought you shouId know. WeII, your mom wiII Iike him. Mine did. Okay. I'm going to a party tomorrow night with MoIIy. WiII you come? Come on, John. No. Why not? I want you to meet my fr-- Don't you want to meet my friends? I don't want to meet anybody. I reaIIy don't want to meet anybody. I just want to be with you. I'II start the dishes. Let me teII you something. You don't do dishes. You don't ever have to do dishes. I'II do the dishes. And I'II buy the groceries. And I'II cook the food. And I'II feed you. And I'II dress you in the morning. And I'II undress you at night. And I'II bathe you. And I'II take care of you. And you can see your friends in the ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Перевал на английском - текст Жидкое небо на английском - текст Тариф Новогодний на английском - текст Ночной Дозор на английском - текст Аэроплан! на английском |