you now, my son. The Golden Path is dangerous, son. Leto. I was hoping to see a worm. You know they never come close enough to see anymore. The water has driven them away. Everything's changing, Ghani. Changing too fast. You've had another vision, haven't you? My skin wasn't my own. I was running across the desert just so fast... just running and running... to Jacarutu. I saw him there again, our father. - You sure it was him? - Yes. And he spoke of the Golden Path. It frightens me. I'm afraid of what it could mean about us. - We're not like Alia, Ghani. - Are you sure? Will you tell our grandmother all this when we see her? I don't know. What do you think? It might be wise to understand her a bit better... before we allow her to understand us. They've come for us. Haven't they, Irulan? I expect you both to be courteous and respectful. None of your sly comments. She's a Bene Gesserit... and she'll know if you're keeping things from her. Why should we keep anything from her? Do we have anything worth keeping? That's what I mean, Leto. Stilgar and I are almost at our limits with your wit. Worm sign. I didn't see anything. Perhaps a slightly higher altitude would be advisable, Leto. My father used to love being this close to the ground when he flew. And you, of course, know this intuitively, don't you? Just like how you knew to fly without any training. Don't forget your Bene Gesserit training, Stepmother. Fear is the mind killer. I'm afraid she's about to let it pass through her. It's beautiful. Simply beautiful. Have we gone too far? Have we forgotten? Bless the maker and his water. Bless his coming and his going. May his passing cleanse the world. May he keep the world for his people. - Ba-Li-Kaifa. - That wasn't funny. Duncan! Love! You've taken too much spice again. I've opened a bottomless pit. A swarm of locusts is flying up to harass me. Why can't I see, Duncan? Why? See what? The future. My vision is incomplete. The future. It's there, Duncan, just out of reach. Why am I always being pulled back? Perhaps you should ask yourself why is it necessary to see it. - Don't patronize me. - I don't patronize. I care. That's all. Why is she coming, Duncan? Why now? So that's it. After all these years since she saw her grandchildren on Caladan. And in six months, they will be of age. Reason for me, Duncan. Be my mentat for a moment, not my husband. No Bene Gesserit acts without preordained plans... without well-planned deceit. And my mother, for all her independence, is still a Bene Gesserit-Adept. Clouds. Moisture in the air. - It seems almost a sacrilege. - You sound like a Fremen. I haven't forgotten the years I spent among them. I haven't forgotten the honesty of their ways. At times I wish I'd never learned them. I hate this planet, Gurney. It took both the men I loved. And it's still a place of great danger, milady. Rumors of assassination plots are too numerous to ignore. Stilgar has sent word that even Fremen may be involved. Desert partisans who blame you... for Paul's interference in the ecology of this planet. I'm so weary of rumors. They are the lifeblood of this empire, I'm afraid. Reason enough this trip should have been delayed. This way! The tigers track the robes flawlessly. Our friend Palimbasha has done his job well. It appears your patience is about to be rewarded, milady. Yes. I've waited many years, Tyek... for just the right moment to finish the Atreides. Patience has been my only nourishment. Our allies on Arrakis continue to instigate civil unrest. Alia's hold on power is beginning to slip. And now we have the means to deal with Muad'Dib's twins. - I hope milady is satisfied. - Oh, I won't be satisfied... until every bastard Atreides is crushed... beneath the jackboots of the Corrino Sardukar. Like the desperate pacing of giant cats in the zoos of
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