Tell him. - Everything. My childhood. My youth. My death. We did it. We did it. Majesty, don't you see what this means? You can have her back again, your beloved Chani. The proof is standing right in front of you. We can restore the flesh and the spirit. We can recreate her. This was your plan all along. Plots within plots, my lord. You should know this better than anyone. We've been trying for decades to achieve this. Make an alliance with us, Muad'dib, the Tleilaxu. Let us restore your beloved Chani. Live content and safe for the rest of your life... with her, with your children. With her, with your children. My lord, please don't listen to this blasphemy. Don't move, Duncan Idaho. You kill me, and you're killing Muad'dib's children. You can feel it, can't you, Muad'dib? Can't you? You can hear her. - I'm afraid, Muad'dib. - Calling your name. Father. Don't be afraid, Father. I'm here, Father, as you knew I would be. We go forward. We go back. Don't be afraid. We're pre-born, my sister and I, thanks to our mother and the spice. Thanks to you. Father, yes, it is me. We go forward. We go back. We are pre-born, my sister and I, thanks to you. My eyes. Let me see for you. I can do it. I can bring her back to you. Use my eyes, Father. Use my eyes. My eyes. Let me see for you. Let me see for you. - Use them. - I can do it. I can bring her back. Let us give you back your love. - The children! The children! - They are safe, Muad'dib. I meddled in the future, in all possible futures... trying to create them. Instead, they created me, and I became trapped by it. Yes, but knowing there's a trap is the first step in evading it. The first step along the Golden Path. Don't be afraid, Father. The answer is right in front of you. Finally, I am free. History is written on the sands of Arrakis. Those who wished an end to House Atreides have failed. No longer an emperor, no longer a god... a simple blind Fremen wanders alone into the desert to die. They say he has gone on a journey... into the land where men walk without footprints. He will not be found... yet all men will find him. I wonder if that's what he wanted. I need you, Duncan, more than ever. Stay with me.Twelve years of war. Twelve years since Emperor Shaddam the Fourth was defeated... and Paul Muad'dib's wild Fremen spread out across the universe... exterminating all that remained of the old imperial armies... colonizing the planets of the known universe... one by one under his rule... sweeping away anything... and anyone who resisted. Millions have been defeated. Millions more have been slaughtered. There are no innocents anywhere. And the name of Muad'dib is no longer a prayer. For many, it is now a curse. The mercy of Muad'dib... is on our worst enemies. The compassion of Muad'dib-- Commander Farok, the conversions have begun. Anyone refusing the peace of Muad'dib will be executed. So it is written. You who deny the glory of Muad'dib... are condemned to death. Sir, your son-- He's been wounded. My eyes! My eyes! I'm blind, Father. I'm blind! Don't give me to the desert, Father. Please! Don't send me to die. If history teaches us anything... it is simply this-- Every revolution carries within it the seeds of its own destruction. And empires that rise will one day fall. Arrakis. Dune. Once the wasteland of the universe... now an imperial capital. For it is here and only here that giant worms still roam... creating spice... still the greatest treasure in the universe... still the cause of conspiracy... betrayal and murder. - The holy sister! - Alia! In the beginning, we were all empty. Ignorant of all things. We did not know the power that resides in every place. And in all time. He is the power that awakens the soul. And brings us joy. Muad'dib! I don't suppose you feel it's necessary to inform me... when you go on these walkabouts.
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